Epic in spanish


pronunciation: epikoʊ part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

epic1 = épica, epopeya. [Nombre]

Example: Art forms used include Homeric epic, medieval allegory, Tristam Shandy, Jorge Luis Borges, silent cinema and surrealist painting.

epic2 = épico. 

Example: Although the subject of the poem is technically heroic and therefore epic in nature, the story is centred round the non-heroic character of a boy whose role is relatively minor.


» epic literature = literature épica.

Example: Men and women in medieval epic literature are portrayed in a way that is contrary to the modern-day ideals of male/female stereotypes.

» epic poem = poema épico, epopeya.

Example: Homer's epic poem 'The Iliad' is taken an example of the change from a predominantly oral to a more literate culture.

» epic poetry = poesía épica.

Example: The main theme of epic poetry is, of course, the hero, his life, his greatness of character, his deeds and his death.

epic3 = épico, colosal, grandioso, enorme, legendario, de epopeya, bestial. [Adjetivo]

Example: Unmindful of the epic moves that made it what it is today, Elwood Bibeau fastened his seat belt as his plane approached the Wexler airport.


» of epic proportions = épico, colosal, grandioso, enorme, legendario, descomunal, bestial.

Example: Even though they are not as long as I think they should be, many of the stories are of epic proportions and many of them are very entertaining.

» reach + epic proportions = alcanzar proporciones exageradas, alcanzar proporciones desmesuradas, alcanzar proporciones épicas, alcanzar dimensiones épicas, llegar a un extremo.

Example: The environmental waste problem is now reaching epic proportions.

Epic synonyms

big in spanish: grande, pronunciation: bɪg part of speech: adjective large in spanish: grande, pronunciation: lɑrdʒ part of speech: adjective heroic in spanish: heroico, pronunciation: hɪroʊɪk part of speech: adjective epos in spanish: epopeya, pronunciation: ipoʊz part of speech: noun epical in spanish: épico, pronunciation: epɪkəl part of speech: adjective larger-than-life in spanish: mas largo que la vida, pronunciation: lɑrgɜrθænlaɪf part of speech: adjective epic poem in spanish: Poema épico, pronunciation: epɪkpoʊəm part of speech: noun
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