Environmental in spanish


pronunciation: ɑmbientɑl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

environmental = del medio ambiente, medioambiental, del entorno. 

Example: Not all topics are covered, but a broad group of industrial topics are represented, including, measurement, environmental and safety engineering, energy technology and communication.


» agri-environmental = agromedioambiental.

Example: They can co-finance and/or co-organise a limited number of relevant meetings related to the subjects agrobiodiversity, organic agriculture and agri-environmental programmes.

» environmental awareness = conciencia medioambiental.

Example: Sustainability, environmental awareness and green architecture are catch phrases that suddenly seem to have flooded the media.

» environmental conditions = condiciones ambientales, condiciones medioambientales.

Example: The composition of parchment makes it very vulnerable to environmental conditions, dry or humid.

» environmental crime = delito contra el medioambiente.

Example: The first of its kind, this exhibition aims to raise public awareness about environmental crimes that affect people's livelihood, the global economy as well as the world's ecosystems.

» environmental crisis = crisis medioambiental.

Example: The energy crisis & the environmental crisis are rooted not in a stony ground of technological intractability, but in irresponsibility & dereliction.

» environmental damage = destrozo producido por las condiciones ambientales, daño producido por las condiciones ambientales.

Example: Aspects of physical condition, including pH, brittleness, mutilation, and environmental damage were surveyed = Los aspectos del estado físico que se estudiaron fueron el pH, la fragilidad, la mutilación y los daños producidos por las condiciones ambientales.

» environmental degradation = degradación medioambiental.

Example: Saltwater fishing using seines can contribute to overfishing and subsequent environmental degradation.

» environmental destruction = destrucción medioambiental.

Example: The whole extent of Chernobyl's damage -- both in terms of human casualties and environmental destruction -- may never be known for sure.

» environmental disaster = catástrofe medioambiental, desastre medioambiental.

Example: Hurricane Katrina brings a foretaste of environmental disasters to come.

» environmental education = educación medioambiental.

Example: An initiative for environmental education which will run over the next few years focuses on Victoria region by region.

» environmental hazard = peligro para el medio ambiente.

Example: Meanwhile, the government imposed a ban on the use of polybags in the capital on account of being an environmental hazard.

» environmental impact = impacto medioambiental, impacto en el medioambiente.

Example: Many smokers do not believe that littering their cigarette butts has an environmental impact or is inappropriate behavior.

» environmental impact study = estudio de impacto en el medio ambiente.

Example: Geographic information systems have been used for a variety of purposes, including land use inventories and environmental impact studies.

» environmental law = derecho medioambiental.

Example: The overall goal is to raise awareness and to improve general knowledge in international environmental law.

» environmental legislation = legislación medioambiental.

Example: The role of factual data banks as support to environmental management and legislation is reviewed based on experience.

» environmental management = gestión del medio ambiente, gestión medioambiental.

Example: The role of factual data banks as support to environmental management and legislation is reviewed based on experience.

» environmental noise = contaminación acústica.

Example: The study suggests that marine animals could suffer detrimental effects ranging from a loss of hearing to increased stressed levels as a result of environmental noise.

» environmental pollution = contaminación medioambiental, contaminación del medio ambiente.

Example: The databases already cover medicine and related sciences, environmental pollution, chemical substances, education, and the preparation of further databases is under way.

» environmental protection = protección del medio ambiente.

Example: Fears in the late 1960s about the menace of pollution led to the creation of programmes on environmental protection.

» Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) = Agencia de Protección del Medio Ambiente (EPA).

Example: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for the regulation of environmental pollutants and the protection, and improvement, of the environment.

» environmental psychology = sicología medioambiental.

Example: It is important to apply principles of environmental psychology in determining what kind of space appeals to teenagers.

» environmental sciences = ciencias medioambientales.

Example: These projects cover fields in bio-health, energy, nanotechnologies, and environmental, and computer sciences.

» environmental security = seguridad ambiental.

Example: It presents a checklist of some of the major considerations in assessing the environmental, fire and electrical security of equipment areas in libraries.

» environmental stress = tensión medioambiental.

Example: Environmental stress was favored over a biomechanic explanation as the cause for asymmetry.

» environmental studies = estudios del medio ambiente.

Example: This development saw the introduction of other umbrella courses such as environmental studies.

» environmental waste = vertidos, vertidos contaminantes.

Example: The environmental waste problem is now reaching epic proportions.

» microenvironmental = microambiental.

Example: In 1984, The Getty Conservation Institute embarked on a programme of museum environmental research covering air pollution generated outdoors and indoors, and microenvironmental studies.
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