Environment in spanish


pronunciation: ɑmbiente part of speech: noun
In gestures

environment = entorno, contexto, ámbito, ambiente, paraje. 

Example: This document specifies methods of extending the 7-bit code, remaining in a 7-bit environment or increasing to an 8-bit environment.


» adapt to + Posesivo + environment = adaptarse a + Posesivo + entorno.

Example: Like other reptiles, iguanas are cold-blooded, egg-laying animals with an excellent ability to adapt to their environment.

» adjust to + environment = adaptarse al entorno.

Example: The group recognized that their special information needs arose out of their dislocation from family, friends and established information networks and their need to adjust to a new environment.

» built environment = paisaje urbano, paisaje urbanístico, entorno urbano, entorno urbanístico.

Example: Picture postcards can provide visual evidence of the built environment and are one of the sources which historic preservationists can use in their work.

» business environment = mundo de los negocios, mundo de las empresas, mundo empresarial.

Example: The concepts of competition, technological discontinuities, and innovation are typically found in a business environment.

» contaminate + the environment = contaminar el medioambiente.

Example: Although quite useful, mercury is also poisonous and can contaminate the environment if it is not disposed of properly.

» create + an environment = crear un entorno.

Example: Advances in computer and network technologies have created an environment in which the fundamental nature of publishing is changing.

» Department of the Environment = Ministerio del Medio Ambiente.

Example: Funding for advice centres can originate from any one of four government departments: the Department of Trade, the Home Office, the Lord Chancellor's Office and the Department of the Environment.

» distributed environment = entorno electrónico distribuido, red de recursos distribuidos.

Example: Faculty are developing new courses and even degree programs that are competing for students across the country who are willing to learn in a distributed environment.

» environment agency = agencia del medioambiente.

Example: The Environment Agency spends about £34 million a year on dredging watercourses, clearance of debris, polling trees and removal of weeds.

» home environment = entorno familiar.

Example: Educational theory is based upon the assumption that the home environment complements the school.

» job environment = entorno laboral.

Example: Job satisfaction, it was found, did not relate to the first 3 factors, but did relate to the characteristics of the job environment.

» marine environment = medio ambiente marino.

Example: Some specific aquatic ecosystems, including marine environments and hydrothermal vents, are described.

» microenvironment = microentorno, microambiente.

Example: The article is entitled 'Collection care and the microenvironment= El artículo se titula "El cuidado de la colección y el microentorno".

» natural environment, the = entorno natural, el.

Example: The main justifications, couched mostly in race-neutral terms, were that the squatters would increase crime, decrease property values, spread disease, & despoil the natural environment.

» network environment = entorno de redes.

Example: The article has the title 'From smart guesser to smart navigator: changes in collection development for research libraries in a network environment'.

» online environment = entorno de redes.

Example: A hedge is an online environment term for a tool that lists keywords and resources for a subject.

» operating environment = entorno operativo.

Example: Most have worked for major oil companies in many different operating environments.

» OSI environment = entorno OSI.

Example: The report's overall objective is to present both the technical aspects of OSI and the critical organizational issues that must be considered in moving to an OSI environment.

» pollute + the environment = contaminar el medioambiente.

Example: The growing of feed grains also requires huge quantities of pesticides and fertilizers, which often end up polluting the environment.

» work environment = entorno laboral, entorno de trabajo.

Example: The factory worker compensates for his noisy and dirty work environment by digging his allotment.

» working environment = trabajo, lugar de trabajo, entorno laboral, entorno de trabajo.

Example: This article examines the various features now available on copiers and comments on the usefulness in a working environment.

Environment synonyms

surround in spanish: rodear, pronunciation: sɜraʊnd part of speech: verb surroundings in spanish: alrededores, pronunciation: sɜraʊndɪŋz part of speech: noun environs in spanish: alrededores, pronunciation: ɪnvaɪrənz part of speech: noun
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