Entry in spanish


pronunciation: entɹ̩ɑdɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

entry1 = inclusión, entrada, incorporación, acceso, admisión. 

Example: The entry, change, and extraction of word and phrases from abstracts is described in detail in Chapter 9.


» card-entry system = sistema de entrada mediante tarjetas.

Example: The use of mechanical sorting devices, card-entry systems and smart cards also affect the overall design = El uso de dispositivos de clasificación mecánicos, de sistemas de acceso mediante tarjetas y de las tarjetas inteligentes también pueden afectar al diseño global.

» data entry = entrada de datos. [En tecnología de la información, introducción de información en un programa de ordenador generalmente por medio del teclado]

Example: Often referred to as utilities, basic software packages are available for performing basic operations such as data entry and validation, sorting and merging files and editing data.

» data entry and validation package = paquete de entrada y comprobación de datos.

Example: A data entry and validation package typically allows the user to define a form to be displayed on a VDU, and by using a cursor, or other prompts, enables data to be entered in this format.

» entry into force = entrada en vigor.

Example: An explanation is presented of the methodology used in incorporating all facets of the treaties cited, such as date of signature, date of entry into force and signatory countries.

» entry-level = de nivel básico, de principiante.

Example: Nursing is a fantastic field for those who are entry-level, or have no prior job experience.

» entry position = primer escalafón laboral. [Primer puesto de trabajo dentro de una institución por el que normalmente se empieza]

Example: While there are some exceptions, the entry position usually requires five years of education beyond the secondary school with the fifth year culminating in graduation from an accredit school.

» entry visa = visado de entrada.

Example: Most tourists and visitors to Egypt can obtain an entry visa at any of the major airports or ports of entry.

» entryway = entrada, recibidor.

Example: Too often, the entryway is where everyone in the family dumps their belongings when they come home.

» entry wound = orificio de entrada. [Generalmente, de una herida de bala]

Example: Entry wounds are usually smaller than exit wounds, and depending on the calibre and angle they are usually round.

» forced entry = allanamiento de morada, entrada forzada.

Example: Insurers will not cover loss of vehicle contents without forced entry.

» force + Posesivo + entry into = forzar la entrada, entrar a la fuerza, entrar por la fuerza.

Example: A woman forced her entry into a bank in Tully and walked off with a bag containing $1 million in checks, state police said.

» form entry = entrada de forma.

Example: The code embraced author, title, subject and form entry, description and the filing of entries.

» gain + entry = acceder, entrar, introducirse, obtener acceso, conseguir entrar.

Example: The Israeli secret police, Mossad, used forged passports to gain entry into Dubai which were traced back to Israel.

» No Entry sign = señal de prohibido el paso, señal de entrada prohibida.

Example: Drivers ignoring `No Entry' signs in this fashion have no regard for the safety of other road users and are clearly flouting the law.

» on entry = al entrar.

Example: Theoretically travel distances will be reduced to a minimum if the building is a cube and on entry users are brought quickly to the centre of gravity.

» one-time entry = entrada de datos sólo una vez.

Example: If one-time entry is to be effective, however, the data entered must be accurate and complete and must be consistent with other data in the system.

» point of entry = punto de entrada, puerto de entrada, paso fronterizo.

Example: Immigration officers are stationed at every point of entry into the United Kingdom to check and monitor people who are arriving and leaving.

» port of entry = puerto de entrada, aduana.

Example: Ports of entry employees are also responsible for making sure that the laws relating to importation of cigarettes are observed.

» re-entry [reentry] = entrada de nuevo, reinserción. 

Example: The part of the command chain that has not yet been processed is displayed on the answer line for correction and re-entry.

» right of entry = derecho de paso.

Example: The right of entry is reserved during reasonable hours for inspection or repair deemed necessary.

entry2 = anotación. 

Example: I have found in reading extracts from Scott's diary of his trip to the South Pole that pupils interrupted all the time to ask questions, until the final entries were reached, when everyone went very quiet, moved deeply by Scott's words and unwilling to bruise the emotion they felt.


» journal entry = entrada de diario.

Example: In this journal entry, Sarah describes her epiphany of simplicity: how she first came to realize that she wants less, not more.

entry3 = plato. [Cada una de las divisiones de las que consta una comida]

Example: The average BYOB restaurant's menu is priced $5 to $10 higher per entry to make up for the loss of beverage sales.

entry4 = asiento catalográfico, entrada. [Conjunto de elementos que forman la descripción bibliográfica y el encabezamiento o encabezamientos de un documento para incluirlo en un catálogo o en una bibliografía]

Example: An entry is a logical grouping of elements arranged in a prescribed order which together constitute a single unit of information to be filed or arranged as such in a register, list, catalogue, etc.


» added entry = asiento secundario, entrada secundaria. [Asiento resultante de utilizar como punto de acceso un encabezamiento distinto del encabezamiento principal]

Example: Added entries are made under any headings that 'some catalogue users might suppose that the description of an item would be found under rather than under the heading or title chosen for the main entry'.

» added entry card = ficha secundaria. [En un catálogo, aquella ficha cuyo encabezamiento, normalmente de título, materia, etc., complementa el encabezamiento de la ficha principal, normalmente de autor. En un principio la diferencia principal entre ficha secundaria y ficha principal era que ésta contenía una descripción bibliográfica detallada del documento mientras aquélla sólo poseía los datos mínimos. Hoy día esta diferencia ha desaparecido y además con la introducción del los sistemas automatizados de catalogación no cabe hablar de ficha secundaria y ficha principal]

Example: You can also specify whether you want Added Entry, Subject, or Series cards to be included.

» added entry heading = encabezamiento secundario. [Encabezamiento que corresponde a los puntos de acceso elegidos para el/los registros secundarios]

Example: The rules give instructions on the choice of one of these access points as the main entry heading, the other being added entry headings.

» added subtitle entry = asiento secundario por subtítulo.

Example: If we had not critically examined those added entry assignments and had failed to make the added subtitle entry, we would be denying access to the book to some users.

» added title entry = asiento secundario de título.

Example: In the cataloguing of such materials, no added entries are made at all, except for occasional added title entry, and in cases of conflict between personal and corporate author.

» additional entry = entrada secundaria.

Example: Other approaches to the movement of the components of index headings in order to generate additional entries are also possible.

» alphabetical subject entry = entrada alfabética de materia. [En catalogación, un asiento de una obra cuyo encabezamiento es la materia de la que trata el contenido de la misma expresada en lenguaje normal como contrapuesto al lenguaje notacional]

Example: A dictionary catalogue is a catalogue with only one sequence which contains author, title and alphabetical subject entries interfiled.

» alphabetico-specific entry = entrada alfabética. [Encabezamiento que se asigna a un documento que se corresponde directamente con el contenido del mismo y que utilizan el lenguaje natural y no una notación]

Example: In an attempt to take the ideas of Cutter and Kaiser and bring them up to date, Metcalfe published a 'Tentative code of rules for alphabetico-specific entry' in 1959.

» analytical entry = asiento analítico. [Asiento que describe parte de una publicación, especialmente de colecciones y publicaciones seriadas que ya tienen su propio asiento]

Example: But basically the 'analytical entry consists of a description of the part analysed, followed by a short citation (known as the 'analytical note') of the whole publication in which the part occurs'.

» annotated entry = asiento comentado. [Asiento bibliográfico en el que se incluye un análisis más o menos completo y posiblemente una crítica del contenido del documento]

Example: An annotated entry is a bibliographic entry with the addition of a more or less thorough analysis and possibly a criticism of the content of the document.

» author entry = asiento de autor.

Example: Amongst both subject and author (or name) entries there will be different types of entries.

» authority entry = entrada de autoridades.

Example: An authority entry is an entry for which the initial element is the uniform heading for a person, corporate body, or work, as established by the cataloguing agency responsible.

» author-title added entry = asiento secundario por autor y título. [Asiento secundario en el que se detalla el autor y el título de una obra]

Example: An author-title added entry is an entry consisting of the name of a person or corporate body and the title of an item.

» basic-entry card = ficha básica.

Example: The best method for recording all this information is the system of basic-entry cards combined with overriding slips.

» bibliographic entry = asiento bibliográfico. [Conjunto de los elementos que forman la descripción bibliográfica y el encabezamiento o encabezamientos y que se incluyen en un catálogo o en una bibliografía]

Example: The bibliographic entry consists of the set of elements forming the bibliographic description and the heading(s) for a document for inclusion in a catalogue or in a bibliography.

» catalogue entry = asiento catalográfico. [Conjunto de los elementos que incluye el asiento bibliográfico y la signatura topográfica que se asigna de acuerdo con las reglas adoptadas por el organismo en cuestión]

Example: A catalogue entry consists of a set of elements including the bibliographic entry and the shelf-mark assigned in accordance with the rules adopted by the organization concerned.

» catchword entry = entrada por palabra clave del título. [Indice de títulos ordenados bajo encabezamientos por las palabras claves contenidas en ellos; actualmente denominado índice KWOC]

Example: Traditionally such bibliographies have tended to enter each title under its keywords, a practice long referred to as 'catchword entry'; thus the title 'How to find out in Philosophy and Psychology' would be entered not only under 'How' but also under 'Philosophy' and 'Pshychology'.

» class entry = encabezamiento general.

Example: Startlingly, we find also that Rule 2.44 would permit either Horses -- Diseases or Horse -- Diseases -- Strangles for a document on strangles in horses (an infectious streptococcal fever); the first of these is blatantly class entry rather than specific, while the second is equally blatantly alphabetico classed.

» data entry operator = operario de entrada de datos. [Trabajador cuya tarea consiste en la mera introducción de datos en el ordenador]

Example: The same sort of breakdown of an individual may be experienced through so-called 'de-skilling' occurring because of communications and informations technologies (e.g. data entry operators).

» descriptive entry = asiento descriptivo. [Asiento bibliográfico completado con una descripción de las peculiaridades del ejemplar descrito, en el caso de manuscritos y obras raras o antiguas]

Example: A descriptive entry is a bibliographic entry including also a description of the peculiarities of the copy described in the case of manuscripts and rare or ancient books.

» direct entry = entrada directa. [Asiento de un documento por la materia específica del documento y no por una más general]

Example: All of the systems described so far in this chapter have used what is called direct entry; that is to say, a topic is entered directly under the term or terms which most closely correspond to the subject.

» entry element = elemento de entrada.

Example: Once the name to be used in a heading and its form have been settled, it is time to decide upon the entry element, or in more general terms, to examine the preferred order of the components of a name as the name is to appear as a heading.

» entry heading = encabezamiento.

Example: By contrast, in the 1962 BTI three entry headings, with one entry under each, and seven cross reference headings, have to be combed through to find reference from 'HYDROGEN Peroxide, Bleaching, Cotton' to its reverse.

» entry point = punto de acceso.

Example: UNIBID has less redundancy and covers more types of bibliographic material than UNIMARC, whereas the latter probably has more entry points for catalogue headings.

» entry point = punto de entrada.

Example: The software enables the user to specify the entry point of the download.

» entry term = punto de acceso.

Example: These instructions codes convert the operators into machine-readable manipulation codes, and show which terms are to be used as entry term.

» entry vocabulary = puntos de acceso.

Example: The alphabetical index provides an entry vocabulary, or a list of terms for first consultation, and identification of the place for a subject within the scheme.

» entry word = primera palabra del encabezamiento. [Primera palabra del encabezamiento, excluyendo artículos y preposiciones, por la cual un encabezamiento se ordena en un catálogo o índice]

Example: An entry word is the word by which an entry is primarily arranged in the catalogue, usually the first word (other than the article) of the heading.

» in analytic entry = asiento analítico tipo "en".

Example: The 'in' analytic entry consist of two parts: the description of the part, and a short citation of the whole item in which the part is to be found.

» index entry = punto de acceso, asiento, encabezamiento.

Example: All index entries and references in a PRECIS index are derived from an indexing string.

» lexical entry = entrada léxica.

Example: Current theories propose that a lexical entry in memory consists of three types of representations: phonological, lexical, and semantic.

» linking entry block = bloque funcional de relaciones entre registros.

Example: In UNIMARC the linking entry block, block 4 -- , contains data fields with embedded tags, indicators and subfield codes that identify the item to which the link is being made.

» main entry = asiento principal, entrada principal. [Asiento que, bajo el encabezamiento principal, contiene todos los datos necesarios para identificar una obra y que sirve de base para la redacción de los asientos secundarios. En inglés 'encabezamiento primario' sería equivalente a 'main entry' y 'encabezamiento secundario' a 'added entry']

Example: The main entry is the complete catalogue record of an item, presented in the form by which the entity is to be uniformly identified and cited.

» main entry card = ficha principal.

Example: The <F4> function displays the main entry card followed by the rest of the card set.

» main entry heading = encabezamiento principal. [Primer punto de acceso elegido para un asiento bibliográfico y que constituye a éste en asiento principal]

Example: The rules give instructions on the choice of one of these access points as the main entry heading, the other being added entry headings.

» make + entry = hacer una entrada.

Example: If the work is special to the use of a particular body within the church (e.g., a diocese, cathedral, monastery, religious order), make an added entry under the heading for that body.

» master entry = asiento matriz.

Example: With this method, one master entry is produced in the form of a full author entry and then identical copies of the master are produced which, with the addition of the appropriate headings, can be filed in different parts of the catalogue.

» multiple entry = entrada múltiple.

Example: In catalogues there are two possible approaches to the provision of multiple entries for one work.

» multiple entry system = sistema de entrada múltiple.

Example: The best remedy for distributed relatives in catalogues is to be found in multiple entry systems.

» name entry = entrada de nombre.

Example: Name entries, for example, may include personal names, corporate names, and geographical names and their subdivisions or qualifiers.

» name-title added entry = asiento secundario por autor y título. [Asiento secundario en el que se detalla el autor y el título de una obra]

Example: A name-title added entry is an entry consisting of the name of a person or corporate body and the title of an item.

» personal name entry = entrada de nombre personal.

Example: The user would find it helpful to have types of entries with the same entry word grouped, so that for example, all subject entries are found together, and all personal names entries are kept in a separate subsequence.

» primary entry word = palabra de entrada principal.

Example: Usually references can serve to direct users from words not used as the primary entry word to the word that does have this status.

» reciprocal entry = entrada recíproca.

Example: Programs are available which generate alphabetical listings, including lead-in terms, reciprocal entries, hierarchical displays and other special sections of the thesaurus.

» reference entry = ficha de referencia. [Asiento que remite de un encabezamiento o asiento a otro]

Example: A reference entry is an entry for which the initial element is either a variant heading or a uniform heading, and which is designed to direct the user to the appropriate heading.

» rogue entry = entrada ficticia. [Entrada que se sabe no existe en un índice pero se utiliza para que el sistema de búsqueda se coloque después de la entrada que le precede númerica o alfabéticamente]

Example: As can be seen, the access vector needs no additional 'rogue' entry, 'ZZZ' in this case, to point one beyond the last entry in the record number list.

» secondary entry = asiento secundario. [Asiento resultante de utilizar como punto de acceso un encabezamiento distinto del encabezamiento principal]

Example: An added entry is an additional entry to the main entry, by which an item is represented in a catalogue; a secondary entry.

» single entry system = sistema de entrada única.

Example: Initially, however, we shall consider the classified catalogue which, as a general rule, contains only one entry for each document in the classified file: this is called a single entry system.

» subject entry = entrada de materia.

Example: The user would find it helpful to have types of entries with the same entry word grouped, so that for example, all subject entries are found together, and all personal names entries are kept in a separate subsequence.

» thesaurus entry = entrada de tesauro. [Elemento de la parte principal de un tesauro que consta de un descriptor o un no descriptor y toda la información relativa a él]

Example: A thesaurus entry is an element of a main part of a thesaurus comprising a descriptor or a non-descriptor and all the information relating to it.

» title added entry = asiento secundario por título. [Asiento resultante de utilizar como punto de acceso el título de la publicación, que no es el encabezamiento principal]

Example: Title added entries are indicated only when the rule involves consideration of the title as a possible main entry heading.

» title entry = encabezamiento por título.

Example: Also, title entries were ordered by grammatical arrangement, rather than in natural word order.

» title main entry = entrada por el título.

Example: Title main entries are normally made in instances where there is difficulty in identifying a suitable author's name.

» title unit entry = asiento de título.

Example: The title-unit entry represents a book as an individual entity under its own title, and the catalog based on it is therefore necessarily a list of books, much as was the finding catalog of the pre-Panizzi days.

» unit entry = asiento único. [En catalogación, utilización la misma ficha descriptiva del una publicación para los diferentes asientos de la misma variando únicamente el encabezamiento]

Example: The unit entry approach uses the same unit or entry wherever a given work is listed.

» unit entry catalogue = catálogo de asiento único.

Example: Thus, in a unit entry catalogue all entries contain the same quantity of detail.

Entry synonyms

debut in spanish: debut, pronunciation: deɪbju part of speech: noun submission in spanish: sumisión, pronunciation: səbmɪʃən part of speech: noun ingress in spanish: ingreso, pronunciation: ɪŋgres part of speech: noun entree in spanish: entrada, pronunciation: ɑntreɪ part of speech: noun entrance in spanish: Entrada, pronunciation: entrəns part of speech: noun introduction in spanish: Introducción, pronunciation: ɪntrədʌkʃən part of speech: noun incoming in spanish: entrante, pronunciation: ɪnkəmɪŋ part of speech: adjective, noun entryway in spanish: entrada, pronunciation: entriweɪ part of speech: noun entering in spanish: entrando, pronunciation: entɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun launching in spanish: lanzamiento, pronunciation: lɔntʃɪŋ part of speech: noun unveiling in spanish: desvelando, pronunciation: ənveɪlɪŋ part of speech: noun entranceway in spanish: entrada, pronunciation: entrənsweɪ part of speech: noun first appearance in spanish: primera impresión, pronunciation: fɜrstəpɪrəns part of speech: noun ledger entry in spanish: entrada de libro mayor, pronunciation: ledʒɜrentri part of speech: noun
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