Entrust in spanish


pronunciation: koʊnfiɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

entrust [instrust] = confiar Algo a Alguien, delegar Algo a Alguien, encomendar Algo a Alguien. 

Example: The early libraries in England were often gifts of individuals entrusted to the guardianship of their respective municipalities.


» entrust with + power = delegar el poder, encomendar el poder.

Example: I think what he alludes to is the tendency of those whom we entrust with power to think within the box rather than outside the box.

intrust [enstrust] = confiar Algo a Alguien, delegar Algo a Alguien, encomendar Algo a Alguien. 

Example: The early libraries in England were often gifts of individuals entrusted to the guardianship of their respective municipalities.

Entrust synonyms

leave in spanish: salir, pronunciation: liv part of speech: verb trust in spanish: confianza, pronunciation: trʌst part of speech: noun, verb commit in spanish: cometer, pronunciation: kəmɪt part of speech: verb confide in spanish: confiar, pronunciation: kənfaɪd part of speech: verb intrust in spanish: confiar, pronunciation: ɪntrʌst part of speech: verb
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