Entrance in spanish


pronunciation: entɹ̩ɑdɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

entrance1 = entrada. 

Example: Diagrammatic presentation of the layout of the collection conveniently placed, for example, near the entrance.


» entrance door = puerta de entrada.

Example: The entrance door should be automatic or with a handle easy to grip.

» entrance exam(ination) = examen de ingreso.

Example: Passing the entrance examination is a prerequisite for acceptance into the programme.

» entrance fee = entrada, precio de la entrada.

Example: Entrance to some events will only be granted upon payment of an entrance fee.

» entrance foyer = hall de entrada, recibidor.

Example: Her photographs of of interiors include libraries, natural science museums, spas, entrance foyers, and zoos.

» entrance gate = puerta de entrada.

Example: This article describes the survey undertaken at Dartford and Margate libraries which consisted of 3 separate exercises: a comparison of entrance gate and borrowing figures; a survey; and activity sampling.

» entrance hall = recibidor, hall de entrada.

Example: Many infant and junior schools have books in the entrance hall and in the corridors as well as in the classrooms.

» entrance lobby = sala de entrada.

Example: If it were decided to introduce a cloakroom, it would be planned in the space presently used by either newspapers or the short-loan collection, by opening a door from the entrance lobby.

» entrance point = punto de entrada, punto de acceso.

Example: Written in engaging, lively prose, the biography might offer an accessible entrance point into 17th-century studies for scholars new to the period.

» entrance price = precio de la entrada.

Example: Each location has a map to help you to get there, a brief history, and other useful information such as opening times and entrance prices.

» entranceway = entrada.

Example: The areas surveyed included the circulation and reference areas, the book stacks, the computer terminals, the newspaper reading room, the benches outside of the entranceway, and all other public seating areas.

» explosive entrance = entrada aparatosa.

Example: I shall not quickly forget being halted in full flight during a visit to a college to speak to student teachers by the explosive entrance of a lecturer.

» front entrance = entrada principal.

Example: There is a university library in the United States which has carved over its front entrance this aphorism: 'The half of knowledge is knowing where to find it'.

» main entrance = entrada principal.

Example: There are 2 freight elevators available, which are located at the right side and the left side of the building near the main entrance.

» public entrance = entrada de lectores. [Entrada especialmente diseñada para los lectores como opuesta a otras entradas que puede haber para el personal bibliotecario, de servicios, etc]

Example: The main library, which has the one public entrance and exit, is open from 9:00 a.m.

» secret entrance = entrada secreta.

Example: A band of thieves managed to find a secret entrance to the pyramid from which they spirited away piles of treasure in the dead of night = Una banda de ladrones logró encontrar una entrada secreta a la pirámide desde la que hicieron desaparecer sin dejar rastro montones de tesoros en la oscuridad de la noche.

» side entrance = salida lateral.

Example: Leaving by a side entrance, she plunged into the street and lost herself amid the crowd.

entrance2 = extasiar, cautivar, embelesar, hechizar, fascinar, encandilar. 

Example: Her husband is entranced with a woman who is manic-depressive.

Entrance synonyms

catch in spanish: captura, pronunciation: kætʃ part of speech: verb, noun capture in spanish: capturar, pronunciation: kæptʃɜr part of speech: verb, noun entry in spanish: entrada, pronunciation: entri part of speech: noun charm in spanish: encanto, pronunciation: tʃɑrm part of speech: noun beguile in spanish: engañar, pronunciation: bɪgaɪl part of speech: verb ingress in spanish: ingreso, pronunciation: ɪŋgres part of speech: noun entree in spanish: entrada, pronunciation: ɑntreɪ part of speech: noun trance in spanish: trance, pronunciation: træns part of speech: noun fascinate in spanish: fascinar, pronunciation: fæsəneɪt part of speech: verb captivate in spanish: cautivar, pronunciation: kæptɪveɪt part of speech: verb enchant in spanish: encantar, pronunciation: entʃænt part of speech: verb enamor in spanish: estar enamorado, pronunciation: enæmɜr part of speech: verb incoming in spanish: entrante, pronunciation: ɪnkəmɪŋ part of speech: adjective, noun bewitch in spanish: hechizar, pronunciation: bɪwɪtʃ part of speech: verb enamour in spanish: estar enamorado, pronunciation: enæmɜr part of speech: verb entryway in spanish: entrada, pronunciation: entriweɪ part of speech: noun entering in spanish: entrando, pronunciation: entɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun spellbind in spanish: hechizo, pronunciation: spelbɪnd part of speech: verb entranceway in spanish: entrada, pronunciation: entrənsweɪ part of speech: noun becharm in spanish: encanto, pronunciation: bekɑrm part of speech: verb
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