Entity in spanish


pronunciation: entidɑd part of speech: noun
In gestures

entity1 = ente. 

Example: The search for main classes was first concentrated upon 'entities' or things.


» concrete entity = ente concreto.

Example: The phenomena studied by disciplines may be either concrete entities, such as adolescent, motor car, dog or diamond or abstract ideas such as love, beauty or hate.

» entity-oriented indexing = indización según el objeto. [En lenguajes documentales, indización que consiste en asignar encabezamientos a los documentos que mejor describan su contenido]

Example: Hutchins' and Moron's concepts of aboutness are described and compared to Soergel's ideas of request-oriented and entity-oriented indexing.

» non-entity = nulidad, cero a la izquierda.

Example: He had been feeling like a cipher, a nonentity.

entity2 = entidad. [Persona jurídica responsable de la redacción o publicación de una obra]

Example: AACR2 defines a corporate body thus: 'a corporate body is an organisation or group of persons that is identified by a particular name and that acts, or may act, as an entity'.


» corporate entity = entidad corporativa.

Example: Note also from the definition of a corporate body that it is necessary that a corporate body has a name for it to be regarded as corporate entity.

» legal entity = entidad jurídica, entidad legal.

Example: This is the first time that legal entities have been made subject to criminal liability.

Entity synonyms

something in spanish: alguna cosa, pronunciation: sʌmθɪŋ part of speech: noun

Entity antonyms

unable pronunciation: əneɪbəl part of speech: adjective not able pronunciation: nɑteɪbəl part of speech: adjective
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