Enthusiastic in spanish


pronunciation: entusiɑstɑ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

enthusiastic = entusiasta, entusiasmado, lleno de entusiasmo. [Adjetivo]

Example: Mr Berman, who is a very personable and enthusiastic librarian, certainly comes across.


» be enthusiastic about = entusiasmarse por, ser partidario de.

Example: I'm less enthusiastic about this criticism of ISBD than I am in my endorsement of his stress on the importance of the main entry.

» get + enthusiastic = entusiasmarse.

Example: I get very enthusiastic because the people who attend those meetings are knowledge-seekers who want to learn and hear somebody else's opinion.

» over-enthusiastic [overenthusiastic] = demasiado entusiasta. 

Example: One cannot help wondering if they would have caused so much dissension if they had not been associated with the over-enthusiastic pruning mentioned above.

Enthusiastic synonyms

great in spanish: genial, pronunciation: greɪt part of speech: adjective avid in spanish: ávido, pronunciation: ævəd part of speech: adjective positive in spanish: positivo, pronunciation: pɑzətɪv part of speech: adjective ardent in spanish: ardiente, pronunciation: ɑrdənt part of speech: adjective eager in spanish: ansioso, pronunciation: igɜr part of speech: adjective crazy in spanish: loco, pronunciation: kreɪzi part of speech: adjective warm in spanish: calentar, pronunciation: wɔrm part of speech: adjective zealous in spanish: celoso, pronunciation: zeləs part of speech: adjective evangelical in spanish: evangélico, pronunciation: ivændʒelɪkəl part of speech: adjective glowing in spanish: brillante, pronunciation: gloʊɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective evangelistic in spanish: evangélico, pronunciation: ivændʒəlɪstɪk part of speech: adjective overenthusiastic in spanish: demasiado entusiasta, pronunciation: oʊvɜrenθəziæstɪk part of speech: adjective

Enthusiastic antonyms

unenthusiastic pronunciation: ənɪnθuziæstɪk part of speech: adjective
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