Entertainment in spanish


pronunciation: entɹ̩etenimientoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

entertainment = entretenimiento, pasatiempo, diversión, distracción, ocio, atracción. 

Example: In Spain, posters and cartoons were used to convey the impression of reading as entertainment.


» adult entertainment = pornografía.

Example: It's a documentary series about the day-to-day lives of people who make their living in the world of adult entertainment.

» adult entertainment business, the = negocio de la pornografía, el.

Example: Female porn stars are psychologically as healthy or healthier than other women, according to a new study, which challenges widely held views about women in the adult entertainment business.

» audio entertainment = entretenimiento musical.

Example: The compact disc, which has already revolutionised domestic audio entertainment, is poised to exert quite as big an influence on the world of the business user.

» entertainment industry, the = industria del ocio, la; negocio del ocio, el. [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: BASELINE is a collection of online databases devoted to the entertainment industry, particularly film and television.

» entertainment magazine = revista de actualidad, revista del corazón.

Example: In certain entertainment magazines there is a type of crossword puzzle where, instead. of clues for words, the cells contain positive integers.

» entertainment material = material de ocio.

Example: In West Germany 6,100 independent video libraries have been established providing largely entertainment material.

» entertainment television = programas televisivos de entretenimiento.

Example: This article discusses how it should be possible to lure children away from pure entertainment television by ensuring that books are made irresistible.

» live entertainment = actuación en vivo, actuación en directo.

Example: These programs include not only sports events and athletic competitions but also cultural activities and live entertainment.

Entertainment synonyms

amusement in spanish: diversión, pronunciation: əmjuzmənt part of speech: noun
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