Entertaining in spanish


pronunciation: entɹ̩etenidoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

entertain = entretener, divertir. 

Example: Libraries are changing into activity centres, where one can keep warm, or leave one's child to be entertained, but where the shelves are half-empty.


» entertain as + a possibility = considerar como posible.

Example: If we do not 'entertain as a possibility' the outlook of a writer while we are reading him we shall not know what his outlook is, and will attack or praise a caricature of it.

» entertain + a thought = albergar una idea, darle vueltas a una idea, contemplar una idea, sopesar una idea.

Example: We all know that the thoughts we entertain can stir up emotions and have physiological effects like increasing flow of saliva or anxiety.

» entertain + doubts = tener dudas, dudar.

Example: Despite initially entertaining doubts about his ability to command, he proved to be a charismatic, straight-talking officer who appeared to be universally liked by his regiment.

» entertain + guests = atender a invitados.

Example: We noticed that while Johnny was entertaining his guests Mr McGregor was trying to capture an interloper.

» entertain + questions = responder a preguntas.

Example: The student will give an oral presentation summarizing the written report and will entertain questions from the members of the committee.

» entertain + the possibility = barajar la posibilidad, contemplar la posibilidad, considerar la posibilidad.

Example: Since the early 1990s social scientists have been entertaining the possibility that globalization leads to polarization, that somehow the divide between the haves and the have-nots has been widening.

entertaining = entretenido, ameno. 

Example: Adults and children should share all that they read and discover together what it is they find that is entertaining and revealing, recreative, re-enactive, and engaging.


» be most entertaining = ser entretenidísimo, ser amenísimo.

Example: The crap spewed from that mouth of yours is most entertaining.

Entertaining synonyms

amusing in spanish: divertido, pronunciation: əmjuzɪŋ part of speech: adjective diverting in spanish: divertido, pronunciation: daɪvɜrtɪŋ part of speech: adjective amusive in spanish: entretenido, pronunciation: əmjusɪv part of speech: adjective

Entertaining antonyms

unentertaining pronunciation: ənenɜrteɪnɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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