Enterprising in spanish


pronunciation: empɹ̩endedoʊɹ̩ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

enterprising = emprendedor, con iniciativa. 

Example: I should like first of all to express my appreciation to the enterprising and energetic partnership of Freedman and Malinconico for their indefatigable efforts to focus attention and foster discussion on current developments and issues in cataloging.


» enterprising initiative = iniciativa emprendedora, espíritu emprendedor.

Example: I'm really proud of the students -- the enterprising initiative that they've shown as well as the sheer hard work.

Enterprising synonyms

bold in spanish: negrita, pronunciation: boʊld part of speech: adjective aggressive in spanish: agresivo, pronunciation: əgresɪv part of speech: adjective ambitious in spanish: ambicioso, pronunciation: æmbɪʃəs part of speech: adjective industrious in spanish: industrioso, pronunciation: ɪndʌstriəs part of speech: adjective energetic in spanish: energético, pronunciation: enɜrdʒetɪk part of speech: adjective entrepreneurial in spanish: de emprendedor, pronunciation: ɑntrəprənɜriəl part of speech: adjective pushy in spanish: molesto, pronunciation: pʊʃi part of speech: adjective pushing in spanish: emprendedor, pronunciation: pʊʃɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective venturesome in spanish: audaz, pronunciation: ventʃɜrsəm part of speech: adjective up-and-coming in spanish: prometedor, pronunciation: ʌpəndkʌmɪŋ part of speech: adjective gumptious in spanish: gomoso, pronunciation: gʌmpʃəs part of speech: adjective pushful in spanish: pujante, pronunciation: pʊʃfəl part of speech: adjective

Enterprising antonyms

unenterprising pronunciation: ənentɜrpraɪzɪŋ part of speech: adjective nonenterprising pronunciation: noʊnentɜrpraɪzɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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