Enter in spanish


pronunciation: entɹ̩ɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

enter1 = introducir, pulsar. 

Example: Entry of an 'e' for end will bring back the screen shown in Figure 23 where you can make another choice or enter 'e' for end.


» enter from + scratch = introducir datos partiendo de cero.

Example: Records for this program, however, have to be entered from scratch.

» enter in = entrar a formar parte de.

Example: True, the machine is sometimes controlled by a keyboard, and thought of a sort enters in reading the figures and poking the corresponding keys, but even this is avoidable.

» enter into = formar parte de.

Example: A girl stroked its keys and it emitted recognizable speech; no human vocal chords entered into the procedure at any point.

» enter into = introducirse.

Example: Information in machine-readable form can be entered into and extracted from the DOBIS/Leuven files.

» enter (into) + Posesivo + head = pasar por la cabeza, pasar por la imaginación, ocurrírsele a Uno, venirle a Uno a la mente.

Example: I know the moment dad passed away my mother was in shock because it never entered her head that he'd actually go.

» enter + the door = entrar por la puerta.

Example: When grandparents enter the door discipline flies out the window.

» re-enter [reenter] = volver a introducir, introducir de nuevo. 

Example: The message then can be deleted, read again on the screen filed electronically, printed out as a hard copy, or sent to a third party without the need to re-enter it.

» the thought never + enter + Posesivo + mind (that) = nunca + pensar + que, nunca se + Pronombre + ocurrir (que), nunca + Pronombre + lo + plantear, nunca + Pronombre + plantear + que.

Example: She feared anyone else would drop her, but the thought never entered her mind with Dax = Temía que cualquier otra persona la dejaría, pero nunca pensar que Dax lo haría.

» thought never + enter + Posesivo + head = nunca + pensar + que, nunca se + Pronombre + ocurrir (que), nunca + Pronombre + lo + plantear, nunca + Pronombre + plantear + que.

Example: The thought never entered my head that a gollywog was offensive until it got banned -- to me it was just a doll.

enter2 = emprender, comenzar, iniciar. 

Example: Though the reference librarian cannot enter the reference process until he receives the question from the enquirer he is vitally concerned about all of its stages.


» enter + a business = dedicarse a, dedicarse a un negocio.

Example: Some of those pupils will undoubtedly enter one kind of business or another which has links with Europe.

» enter + a competition = participar en una competición, participar en un concurso, tomar parte en una competición, tomar parte en un concurso.

Example: By entering the competition, winners agree to attend the award ceremony and take part in reasonable publicity, including the use of their names and photographs in any such publicity.

» enter + a complaint = presentar una queja, presentar una reclamación, hacer una reclamación.

Example: What kind of report and evidence is required if persons wish to enter formal complaints or press charges?.

» enter + a conflict = intervenir en un conflicto.

Example: The Federal Government occasionally entered these conflicts to serve as arbitrator or mediator.

» enter + a contest = participar en un concurso, tomar parte en un concurso.

Example: Participants will be required to obtain parental permissions before entering the contest.

» enter + a revolution = experimentar una revolución.

Example: And yet, over the last twenty-five years, other fields of librarianship have entered upon a veritable revolution in theory and practice.

» enter + a tournament = participar en un torneo, tomar parte en un torneo.

Example: Be sure to indicate in your email how many folks will be entering the tournament.

» enter into + a contract = firmar un contrato, celebrar un contrato.

Example: One of the basic tenets of contract law is that both parties must be capable of understanding that they are entering into a contract.

» enter into + an agreement = celebrar un acuerdo, aceptar los términos de un acuerdo.

Example: Before marriage, the parties are entering into an agreement much like two business persons entering into a contract.

» enter into + a relation = entablar una relación.

Example: The globalization of scientific activity affects the mechanisms by which countries enter into mutual relations.

» enter into + a relationship = entablar una relación.

Example: This conference will offer us the opportunity to enter into mutually beneficial relationships with the world community of librarians.

» enter into + force = entrar en vigor, surtir efecto, entrar en vigencia.

Example: The world's first-ever international agreement specifically targeting illegal fishing is set to enter into force in June 2016.

» enter into + marriage = casarse, contraer matrimonio.

Example: If I am currently in a civil union and wish to enter into marriage, do I have to dissolve my civil union prior to entering into marriage?.

» enter + a job = conseguir un trabajo.

Example: The result shows that most graduates entered a wide range of jobs in the 'emerging market' and that job satisfaction was at a high level.

» enter + the field = interesarse por el tema.

Example: The business community entered the field at a time when the world economy was shaken by the oil price rises of the seventies.

» enter + the fray = entrar en la dinámica, tomar parte en el asunto.

Example: However, by constantly assessing actual and potential customer wants and needs, prioritizing customer markets, and identifying the competition, libraries can (and must) enter the fray of a world that is customer-driven.

» enter + the lists = entrar en liza, entrar en lid.

Example: Let's not understate the likelihood of war in East Asia or kid ourselves that the United States can remain aloof should China and Japan enter the lists.

» enter + the picture = entrar en acción.

Example: George Ticknor, the leader of the Boston 'brahmins', the intellectual class of that city, now entered the picture and wrote to Everett arguing firmly that the new library should indeed be the 'crowning glory of the school system'.

enter3 = encabezar, dar entrada. 

Example: Texts published with commentary are entered under the commentator if the commentary is emphasised.

ENTER4 = INTRO. [Tecla de un teclado de ordenador que se utiliza para finalizar una orden o introducir una nueva línea]

Example: When you've completed typing in the search criteria, press <Enter>.


» ENTER key = tecla de introducción de datos.

Example: Pressing the ENTER key tells DOBIS/LIBIS that you have finished entering data and that it should be processed.

Enter synonyms

figure in spanish: figura, pronunciation: fɪgjɜr part of speech: noun record in spanish: grabar, pronunciation: rəkɔrd part of speech: noun introduce in spanish: introducir, pronunciation: ɪntrədus part of speech: verb embark in spanish: embarcarse, pronunciation: embɑrk part of speech: verb participate in spanish: participar, pronunciation: pɑrtɪsəpeɪt part of speech: verb recruit in spanish: recluta, pronunciation: rəkrut part of speech: verb, noun enroll in spanish: inscribirse, pronunciation: enroʊl part of speech: verb insert in spanish: insertar, pronunciation: ɪnsɜrt part of speech: verb, noun put down in spanish: suelte, pronunciation: pʊtdaʊn part of speech: verb enrol in spanish: inscribirse, pronunciation: ɪnroʊl part of speech: verb inscribe in spanish: inscribir, pronunciation: ɪnskraɪb part of speech: verb infix in spanish: infijo, pronunciation: ɪnfɪks part of speech: noun come in in spanish: Adelante, pronunciation: kʌmɪn part of speech: verb get into in spanish: meterse en, pronunciation: getɪntu part of speech: verb get in in spanish: Entra, pronunciation: getɪn part of speech: verb go into in spanish: entrar en, pronunciation: goʊɪntu part of speech: verb go in in spanish: entra, pronunciation: goʊɪn part of speech: verb move into in spanish: entra, pronunciation: muvɪntu part of speech: verb

Enter antonyms

leave pronunciation: liv part of speech: verb quit pronunciation: kwɪt part of speech: verb exit pronunciation: egzɪt part of speech: noun give up pronunciation: gɪvʌp part of speech: verb drop out pronunciation: drɑpaʊt part of speech: verb get out pronunciation: getaʊt part of speech: verb go out pronunciation: goʊaʊt part of speech: verb throw in pronunciation: θroʊɪn part of speech: verb chuck up the sponge pronunciation: tʃʌkʌpðəspʌndʒ part of speech: verb throw in the towel pronunciation: θroʊɪnðətaʊəl part of speech: verb
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