Ensemble in spanish


pronunciation: koʊnxuntoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

ensemble1 = conjunto, grupo, combinación, amalgama. 

Example: DIANE is the name that has been given to the ensemble of available information services.

ensemble2 = grupo instrumental. 

Example: A piano/violin, etc. conductor part is the part of an ensemble work for a particular instrument with cues for the other instruments.


» ensemble work = obra para grupo instrumental.

Example: A short score is a sketch made by a composer for an ensemble work, with the main features of the composition set out on a few staves.

» jazz ensemble = conjunto de jazz, banda de jazz.

Example: His compositions and arrangements have been performed worldwide by jazz ensembles, orchestras, and bands of all levels.

» string ensemble = conjunto de (instrumentos de) cuerda.

Example: Some of the greatest music ever written is for small string ensembles.

» wind ensemble = conjunto de (instrumentos de) viento.

Example: Wind ensembles and symphonic bands are two instrumental groups that play similar literature but have different numbers of instruments.

Ensemble synonyms

tout ensemble in spanish: conjunto tout, pronunciation: taʊtɑnsɑmbəl part of speech: noun, adverb corps de ballet in spanish: cuerpo de baile, pronunciation: kɔrdibæleɪ part of speech: noun supporting players in spanish: jugadores de apoyo, pronunciation: səpɔrtɪŋpleɪɜrz part of speech: noun
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