Enrolment in spanish


pronunciation: inskɹ̩ipθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

enrolment [enrollment, -USA]1 = inscripción, matrícula. 

Example: If you are a continuing student you do not need to attend enrolment in person.


» enrolment fee = tasa de inscripción, tasa de matrícula, cuota de inscripción, cuota de matrícula.

Example: Beginning with the Fall 2006 semester, all students must pay all enrollment fees in full at the time of registration.

» enrolment procedure = procedimiento de inscripción, procedimiento de matrícula.

Example: Exchange students may have different enrolment procedures, depending on the university's agreement with the university in the student's home country.

enrolment [enrollment, -USA]2 = número de alumnos matriculados. 

Example: Summer enrollment generally exceeds 5,000, while various extension programs throughout the state enroll approximately 4,000 students.


» limited enrolment = número limitado de alumnos matriculados.

Example: This limited-enrollment workshop has a registration fee of $750 per participant.

Enrolment synonyms

enrollment in spanish: inscripción, pronunciation: enroʊlmənt part of speech: noun registration in spanish: registro, pronunciation: redʒɪstreɪʃən part of speech: noun
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