Enrichment in spanish


pronunciation: enɹ̩ikeθimientoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

enrichment = enriquecimiento. 

Example: These copies were then used to effect exchanges with other universities with a view to the enrichment of the university library.


» job enrichment = ampliación de las responsabilidades laborales.

Example: The author suggests job enrichment methods that may help overcome lack of motivation.

» personal enrichment = enriquecimiento personal.

Example: Danish libraries must include video in their services if they wish to live up to their obligation as regards giving users the possibility of personal enrichment = Las bibliotecas danesas deben incluir el vídeo en sus servicios si desean cumplir con su oblicación de dar a los usuarios la posibilidad del enriquecimiento personal.

» self-enrichment = autoenriquecimiento.

Example: The library promotes reading readiness from infancy, providing services for self-enrichment and for discovering the pleasures of reading and learning.

» uranium enrichment = enriquecimiento de uranio.

Example: This is yet another snub to the United Nations Security Council which has imposed economic sanctions on Iran over its refusal to suspend uranium enrichment.
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