Enquiry in spanish


pronunciation: inbestigɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

enquiry [inquiry, -USA] = pregunta, cuestión, consulta, investigación. 

Example: A threshold weight appropriate to the specificity of the searcher's enquiry must be established.


» area of enquiry [area of inquiry] = tema de investigación, tema de interés.

Example: Preliminary work involves the formulation of a range of possible objectives and a definition of areas of enquiry.

» awkward-to-handle enquiry = pregunta difícil de responder.

Example: Librarians also provide some assistance with that most familiar and awkward-to-handle enquiry from library users concerning the possible value of Grandpa's old Bible or other old book unearthed in the attic during a clear-out.

» commission of enquiry = comisión investigadora, comisión de investigación.

Example: The government is certainly not making life easy for the commission of enquiry into corruption and other mishandling of power.

» enquiry-based [inquiry-based, -USA] = basado en un método empírico, basado en un método práctico.

Example: Such studies accord well with enquiry-based and open-ended educational strategies, to which education librarians are appropriately sympathetic.

» enquiry desk = mostrador de información.

Example: The alternative programmes were evaluated qualitatively from student groups and from enquiry desk staff, with extremely positive results from both groups.

» enquiry form = impreso de recogida de datos.

Example: The article discusses the data obtained from an enquiry form handed to persons entering the library during a 6 day operation in 7 public libraries in Nigeria.

» enquiry function = función de consulta.

Example: Read-only access to title, supplier, and patron and fund accounting information is provided by a suite of general enquiry functions.

» enquiry point = mostrador de referencia. [En una biblioteca de libre acceso, aquellas mesas ocupadas por bibliotecarios a donde el lector puede dirigirse para hacer todo tipo de preguntas de referencia]

Example: Library administration covers a number of topics, ranging from those paralleling the business world, such as personnel records and salaries, to routines more peculiar to the library world such as the timetabling of staff at enquiry points etc.

» enquiry service = servicio de referencia.

Example: The library of the South African National Museum of Military History provides an enquiry service which answers genealogical questions regarding who fought in border wars, the Zulu War, Anglo-Boer War, World War I and World War II.

» field of enquiry = especialidad.

Example: Also, full-text searches tend to be better at finding specific topics, whereas index terms are better at finding documents relating to a field of enquiry.

» line of enquiry = línea de investigación.

Example: Unfruitful lines of enquiry are dropped and new and more promising search terms are introduced as the search progresses.

» line of enquiry = línea de investigación, investigación.

Example: The reviewer's place in citation chains is an important one because conceivably a carefully done critical review could make or break a line of enquiry or alter the direction of a chain of citations.

» make + an enquiry = hacer preguntas, preguntar, indagar, hacer averiguaciones, averiguar.

Example: The author discusses the general tendency noted for more girls than boys to make enquiries at the library.

» material-finding enquiry = petición de material. [Petición que hace el usario de documentos sobre un tema y que se contrapone a las peticiones de información simplemente]

Example: Firstly, there will be those material-finding enquiries where merely 'something on' the topic will not suffice.

» reference enquiry = petición de información de referencia.

Example: The survey, conducted in Sept 86, aimed to study and assess the extent of reference enquiry regarding AIDS.

» scientific enquiry = investigación científica.

Example: The purpose of scientific enquiry is the production and dissemination of original knowledge.

» telephone enquiry = consulta telefónica, consulta por teléfono.

Example: Cordless telephones provide an answer for busy reference librarians who need to consult card catalogues or indexes while dealing with a telephone enquiry = Los teléfonos inalámbricos ofrecen una solución a aquellos bibliotecarios de referencia que están muy ocupados consultando los catálogos o índices para responder a una consulta telefónica.

inquiry [enquiry, -UK] = indagación, investigación, pregunta. 

Example: Several possible rules governing the reference interview are examined; one calls for inquiry into client's underlying wants, 'the face value rule', another for inquiry into underlying needs, 'the purpose rule'.


» inquiry-based [enquiry-based, -UK] = basado en un método empírico, basado en un método práctico.

Example: Such studies accord well with enquiry-based and open-ended educational strategies, to which education librarians are appropriately sympathetic.

» inquiry form = impreso de recogida de datos.

Example: Inquiry forms were distributed over a period of 2 weeks to all undergraduate users.

» inquiry point = mostrador de referencia. [En una biblioteca de libre acceso, aquellas mesas ocupadas por bibliotecarios a donde el lector puede dirigirse para hacer todo tipo de preguntas de referencia]

Example: All the things that follow in the chapter are subservient to the inquiry point and its proper manning.

» make + an inquiry = preguntar.

Example: The library services person will then give you the author's address, if he does accept engagements, or, often, make a preliminary inquiry for you.

Enquiry synonyms

research in spanish: investigación, pronunciation: risɜrtʃ part of speech: noun question in spanish: pregunta, pronunciation: kwestʃən part of speech: noun query in spanish: consulta, pronunciation: kwɪri part of speech: noun inquiry in spanish: investigación, pronunciation: ɪnkwaɪri part of speech: noun

Enquiry antonyms

answer pronunciation: ænsɜr part of speech: noun, verb
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