Enough in spanish


pronunciation: sufiθiente part of speech: adverb, adjective
In gestures

enough = bastante, suficiente. 

Example: Also, the supplier with a number of clients has enough maintenance income to justify the establishment of a sound maintenance service.


» allow + (enough) time for = dejar (suficiente) tiempo para, permitir (suficiente) tiempo para.

Example: For successful applicants the deadline for submission of full papers is May 31, 2012 to allow time for review of papers.

» amazingly enough = aunque parezca mentira.

Example: Amazingly enough, the first great dictionary was basically the work of one man.

» be + Adjetivo + enough to = ser lo suficientemente + Adjetivo + como para.

Example: Hundreds of unsuccessful children's books are written by practising mothers and only a few are lucky enough to have their work published.

» be kind enough to = tener la amabilidad de, tener la bondad de, tener la gentileza de, ser tan amable de.

Example: He was kind enough to invite us into his home to sit down for an hour and just shoot the shit.

» be man enough to = ser lo bastante hombre (como) para, ser lo suficiente hombre (como) para, ser lo bastante macho (como) para, ser lo suficiente macho (como) para.

Example: Some men are being driven away from macho occupations like surgery because they don't feel that they are 'man enough', according to new research.

» be not good enough = no ser lo suficientemente bueno, no bastar.

Example: It means admitting that their best shot so far has not been good enough.

» be proof enough = demostrarlo todo, ser prueba suficiente.

Example: For Miller, though, two decades of eyeball-to-eyeball confrontations with the new chairman are proof enough.

» big enough = lo suficientemente grande.

Example: As of April 1978 there is still not a big enough demand for such a service.

» do + enough to get by = hacer lo imprescindible, hacer lo mínimo, cubrir el expediente.

Example: Some employees just put in time, doing enough to get by, but never really trying to take on responsibility or learn anything new.

» do + quite well enough = bastar.

Example: But for now, having fun and feeling famous will do quite well enough.

» dumb enough to = lo suficientemente estúpido como para.

Example: Currently I'm using Windows ME and I was dumb enough to follow the prompt to update Windows from the net.

» early enough = con (la) suficiente antelación.

Example: It is important that the libraries experiment early enough with the new technologies in order to be prepared to meet the expectations of future users.

» enough + be + enough = ya + ser + bastante, ya + bastar, bastar + ya.

Example: This is a very common failing of librarians and can be observed daily: they appear unable to recognise when enough is enough.

» enough + be + not/never + enough = no estar nunca satisfecho, siempre querer más.

Example: For them enough is never enough, and any kind of scam is right up their alley.

» enough to go round = bastante para todos, suficiente para todos.

Example: Most children have a negative experience of books and this may be because there are not enough to go round = La mayoría de los niños tienen una experiencia negativa de los libros que se puede deber a que no hay bastantes para todos.

» enough to sink a (battle)ship = en abundancia, a montón(es), a mogollón(es), a patadas, (como) para parar un tren, a porrillo, de sobra, a reventar, por un tubo, a gogó, a raudales, para dar y regalar.

Example: The evening kicked off with drinks at the bar and enough food to sink a ship, so stomachs were lined for what lay ahead.

» fair enough = de acuerdo, vale.

Example: Today, Jarvis says something to the effect of, 'Fair enough -- I was just trying to stimulate discussion, but as digital media evolve it can happen anyway'.

» (for) long enough = suficiente tiempo, lo bastante.

Example: If one of them is held down long enough, the cursor will eventually be moved back to its starting position, since the screen 'wraps around'.

» funnily enough = por muy extraño que parezca, aunque parezca raro, curiosamente.

Example: Funnily enough, it's an accusation that can be levelled at many TV shows.

» go + far enough = ser lo suficientemente comprensivo. [Normalmente en frases negativas]

Example: This citation order does not, however, go far enough in its analysis of concepts.

» good enough = bastante bien, bastante bueno.

Example: Librarians must break out of the prison they have erected for themselves that dictates their solutions must be professionally perfect; 'good enough' is often the right solution.

» have + enough on + Posesivo + plate = tener ya bastantes problemas, tener ya bastante entre manos.

Example: She sounds like she has enough on her plate as it is, and she definitely doesn't need an emotional affair to confuse her even more.

» have had enough = hartarse, estar harto, no aguantar más, no poder más.

Example: Last night the Israeli prime minister announced that after nine days of eyeball-to-eyeball negotiations, he'd had enough and was going home.

» high enough = lo bastante elevado.

Example: However, you may change notes only if your authorization level is high enough.

» incredibly enough = por muy increíble que parezca, aunque parezca increíble, aunque parezca mentira, por muy mentira que parezca.

Example: Incredibly enough, this person was able to solve it in a short span of time.

» interestingly enough = curiosamente.

Example: Interestingly enough, the immediate effect of Bodley's remonstrations was the inclusion in the inventory lists of additional separate entries for books bound with other books.

» large enough = lo suficientemente grande.

Example: The same technique is used if the display screen is not large enough to accommodate a complete catalog record or a complete list of documents.

» live + long enough (to) = vivir lo suficiente (como para), vivir el tiempo suficiente (como para).

Example: As a consequence, the probability that he will live long enough to run out of money is less than 1 percent.

» luckily enough = afortunadamente, con suerte.

Example: She's got a few piano accordions so luckily enough she could lend me one to practice on.

» not far enough = no lo bastante lejos.

Example: Computers have come a long way, but not far enough.

» oddly enough = curiosamente, por muy extraño que parezca, aunque parezca extraño, aunque no lo parezca, por muy raro que parezca, aunque parezca raro.

Example: Oddly enough, this failure turns into a success by preserving idealism from solipsism.

» sleep + enough = dormir (lo) bastante, dormir (lo) suficiente.

Example: Those who do not sleep enough have also been shown to eat more and be less attractive than people who do.

» sleep + enough = dormir (lo) bastante, dormir (lo) suficiente.

Example: Those who do not sleep enough have also been shown to eat more and be less attractive than people who do.

» strangely enough = aunque parezca raro, aunque parezca extraño, aunque parezca mentira, por muy raro que parezca, por muy extraño que parezca, por muy mentira que parezca, aunque no lo parezca.

Example: Strangely enough, despite the fact that he was buddies with Henry Kissinger at Harvard, he is registered as a member of the Democratic Party.

» sure enough = efectivamente, sin duda alguna, en efecto.

Example: I told my roommate he can't come to Florida for spring break unless he shaves his chest, and sure enough he did.

» surprisingly enough = sorprendentemente, curiosamente.

Example: Surprisingly enough, expert hand-drawn facsimiles are amongst the hardest to spot.

» that's enough = es suficiente, es bastante, basta ya.

Example: Some folks would say that's enough, but I could see the kid wasn't satisfied. = Alguna gente diría que era suficiente, pero yo podía ver que el chico no estaba satisfecho.

» too many chiefs (and) not enough Indians = muchos jefes y pocos indios, muchos jefes y pocos trabajadores, demadiados jefes y pocos indios, demasiados jefes y pocos trabajadores.

Example: Limiting the number of leaders streamlines decision-making, avoiding the perils of too many chiefs and not enough indians.

» weirdly enough = por muy extraño que parezca, aunque parezca razo, curiosamente.

Example: Weirdly enough these bum bags were popular as at my high school circa 2003-2007.

Enough synonyms

decent in spanish: bueno, pronunciation: disənt part of speech: adjective adequate in spanish: adecuado, pronunciation: ædəkwət part of speech: adjective sufficient in spanish: suficiente, pronunciation: səfɪʃənt part of speech: adjective plenty in spanish: mucho, pronunciation: plenti part of speech: noun sufficiency in spanish: suficiencia, pronunciation: səfɪʃənsi part of speech: noun
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