Enlarged in spanish


pronunciation: engɹ̩ɑndeθidoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

enlarge = aumentar. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que empiezan con el prefijo "en-" (o su variante "em-") añadido a nombres y adjetivos para formar generalmente verbos]

Example: Here entry is made under the original author of an edition that has been revised, enlarged, updated, condensed, and so on by another person.


» enlarge + horizons = ampliar los horizontes, agrandar los horizontes.

Example: The growth of computerised bibliographic data bases in particular has enlarged horizons.

» enlarge + picture = ampliar una fotografía.

Example: It takes pictures 3 millimeter square, later to be projected or enlarged, which after all involves only a factor of 10 beyond the present practice.

enlarged = aumentado, ampliado, agrandado. 

Example: Although he did have an enlarged heart, he overworked it with excessive sports.


» enlarged heart = corazón dilatado, corazón demasiado grande.

Example: An enlarged heart in dogs develops when the heart's muscles weaken, causing pressure in the heart's blood vessels to increase and, in turn, stretching the muscles.

» enlarged version = versión aumentada.

Example: The authority records will be used to produce an enlarged version of Name Headings in book and microform.

Enlarged synonyms

big in spanish: grande, pronunciation: bɪg part of speech: adjective large in spanish: grande, pronunciation: lɑrdʒ part of speech: adjective exaggerated in spanish: exagerado, pronunciation: ɪgzædʒɜreɪtəd part of speech: adjective increased in spanish: aumentado, pronunciation: ɪnkrist part of speech: adjective expanded in spanish: expandido, pronunciation: ɪkspændəd part of speech: adjective unhealthy in spanish: insalubre, pronunciation: ənhelθi part of speech: adjective magnified in spanish: magnificado, pronunciation: mægnəfaɪd part of speech: adjective hypertrophied in spanish: hipertrofiado, pronunciation: haɪpɜrtroʊfid part of speech: adjective blown-up in spanish: volado, pronunciation: bloʊnʌp part of speech: adjective

Enlarged antonyms

wasted pronunciation: weɪstəd part of speech: adjective diminished pronunciation: dɪmɪnɪʃt part of speech: adjective atrophied pronunciation: ætrəfid part of speech: adjective
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