Enjoyment in spanish


pronunciation: disfɹ̩ute part of speech: noun
In gestures

enjoyment = placer, gusto, goce, disfrute, diversión, gozo. 

Example: So I read on with increasing interest and enjoyment and, let it be said admiration too.


» derive + enjoyment = disfrutar, divertirse.

Example: The skill of the author lies in being able to tell the story in such a way that the reader will suspend disbelief and derive enjoyment from what is basically a simple story skilfully told.

» find + enjoyment = encontrar placer, disfrutar.

Example: Come to reading willingly, seeking many pleasures from books, and you soon find enjoyment.

» give + enjoyment = dar placer, divertir.

Example: Literary novels do not set out simply to entertain and give enjoyment; indeed they can be tremendously depressing.

Enjoyment synonyms

use in spanish: utilizar, pronunciation: jus part of speech: noun, verb delectation in spanish: delectación, pronunciation: dɪlekteɪʃən part of speech: noun
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