Enigma in spanish


pronunciation: enigmɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

enigma = enigma. 

Example: In some cases the real question that needs to be answered may indeed turn out to be, as Winston Churchill once said of Russia, 'a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma'.

Enigma synonyms

conundrum in spanish: adivinanza, pronunciation: kənʌndrəm part of speech: noun secret in spanish: secreto, pronunciation: sikrət part of speech: noun, adjective mystery in spanish: misterio, pronunciation: mɪstɜri part of speech: noun riddle in spanish: enigma, pronunciation: rɪdəl part of speech: noun brain-teaser in spanish: rompecabezas, pronunciation: breɪntizɜr part of speech: noun closed book in spanish: libro cerrado, pronunciation: kloʊzdbʊk part of speech: noun
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