Enhance in spanish


pronunciation: mexoʊɹ̩ɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

enhance = realzar, intensificar, aumentar, mejorar, resaltar, enriquecer, poner en valor. 

Example: An introduction explaining the nature and scope of the indexing language will enhance its value.


» enhance + awareness = llamar la atención sobre, concienciar a la gente, tomar conciencia.

Example: The aim was to enhance awareness of the wealth of published statistical data available and to show its value as a decision making aid for the business person.

» enhance + effectiveness = mejorar la eficacia.

Example: Relevance feedback is a well known technique used to enhance the effectiveness of information retrieval.

» enhance + Posesivo + figure = realzar la figura, mejorar la figura.

Example: She wore a bright pink ankle-length dress, laden with bows and lace enhancing her figure.

» enhance + Posesivo + identity = mejorar + Posesivo + imagen.

Example: School libraries can help teachers to enhance the identity and self-esteem of Maori students.

» enhance + Posesivo + image = mejorar + Posesivo + imagen.

Example: Providing access to information technologies such as CD-ROMs can enhance the library's image by satisfying its clientele.

» enhance + Posesivo + self-esteem = mejorar + Posesivo + autoestima.

Example: School libraries can help teachers to enhance the identity and self-esteem of Maori students.

» enhance + the flavour(s) = potenciar el sabor.

Example: Think of all your favorite foods and imagine them either smoked or grilled; either method generally enhances flavor.

Enhance synonyms

raise in spanish: aumento, pronunciation: reɪz part of speech: verb heighten in spanish: aumentar, pronunciation: haɪtən part of speech: verb
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