Engraving in spanish


pronunciation: gɹ̩ɑbɑdoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures



» engrave in + Posesivo + mind = grabar en la mente de Alguien.

Example: One of George Santayana's dicta, which is engraved as a guiding principle in my mind, is his admonition that 'Those who ignore the past are condemned to repeat it'.

» engrave in + stone = grabar en piedra.

Example: In no sense are policies engraved in stone and unchangeable.

engraving = grabado, estampa, prueba. [Reproducción obtenida por estampación de una plancha o matriz sobre la que se ha grabado una imagen por medio de un procedimiento manual o mecánico]

Example: An art print is an engraving, etching, lithograph, etc. printed from the plate prepared by the artist.


» copperplate engraving = ?.

Example: Also discussed are plans printed by various technical processes over the centuries, such as copperplate and steel engravings, and modern poly-chromatic prints.

» electro of an engraving = ?.

Example: It is not usually possible to tell a wood engraving from an electro of an engraving, or a stone lithograph from a zinc-plate lithograph.

» re-engraving = regrabado. 

Example: Any mistakes could be scraped or burnished away, and the plate hammered flat again for re-engraving; the same method was used for emendation = Cualquier error se podía eliminar raspándolo o puliéndolo y la plancha de impresión se alisaba de nuevo a martillazos para su regrabado; se usaba el mismo método para la corrección.

» steel engraving = grabado en acero.

Example: Also discussed are plans printed by various technical processes over the centuries, such as copperplate and steel engravings, and modern poly-chromatic prints.

» wood engraving = grabado en madera, xilografía.

Example: Despite the incompetence of most eighteenth-century block-makers, woodcuts never quite disappeared, and they returned to favour in the delicate form called 'wood-engraving' at the end of the hand-press period.

Engraving synonyms

etching in spanish: aguafuerte, pronunciation: etʃɪŋ part of speech: noun
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