Engraved in spanish


pronunciation: gɹ̩ɑbɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures



» engrave in + Posesivo + mind = grabar en la mente de Alguien.

Example: One of George Santayana's dicta, which is engraved as a guiding principle in my mind, is his admonition that 'Those who ignore the past are condemned to repeat it'.

» engrave in + stone = grabar en piedra.

Example: In no sense are policies engraved in stone and unchangeable.

engraved = en relieve. 

Example: Engraved copper plates were used at first; then from the early eighteenth century pewter plates, both punched and engraved, replaced copper.


» engraved copper plate = plancha de impresión en relieve de cobre.

Example: Engraved copper plates were used at first; then from the early eighteenth century pewter plates, both punched and engraved, replaced copper.

» unengraved = sin grabar.

Example: The copperplate was warmed and then inked with a dabber and wiped to clean the unengraved areas.

Engraved synonyms

graven in spanish: grabado, pronunciation: greɪvən part of speech: adjective etched in spanish: grabado, pronunciation: etʃt part of speech: adjective incised in spanish: incisión, pronunciation: ɪnsaɪzd part of speech: adjective carved in spanish: tallado, pronunciation: kɑrvd part of speech: adjective inscribed in spanish: inscrito, pronunciation: ɪnskraɪbd part of speech: adjective carven in spanish: cortar, pronunciation: kɑrvən part of speech: adjective
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