English in spanish


pronunciation: ingles part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

English = inglés. 

Example: In plain English, it means we don't have enough students and expenses must be cut.


» an English rose = mujer con un cutis de porcelana típico inglés.

Example: Her appeals has always been that of an 'English rose'.

» English-Canadian = canadiense anglófono, canadiense de habla inglesa.

Example: The author fears that by purveying English-Canadian, middle-class standards and values of life and literacy, the students' own standards may be devalued.

» English Channel, the = Canal de la Mancha, el.

Example: Seven desperate migrants have been fished out of the English Channel after trying to climb aboard a moving ferry bound for Britain.

» English language = lengua inglesa.

Example: This type of subject approach is reasonably successful in the German language but presents problems in the English language.

» English muffin = muffin inglés.

Example: I remember the impressed look on my stepdad's face as I served him the plate of English muffins topped with poached eggs and a delicious holandaise sauce.

» English-speaking = anglófono, de habla inglesa.

Example: The data and institutional setting were provided by three English-speaking West African countries -- Ghana, Liberia and Nigeria, and one French-speaking West African country -- Cameroon.

» English-speaking world, the = mundo de habla inglesa, el. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: Its objective was to establish a unity of practice throughout the English-speaking world.

» ESL (English as a Second Language) = ESL (Inglés como Segunda Lengua).

Example: The similarities in narrative style, the emphasis on incident and the use of colourful themes such as the supernatural, horror and fantasy, enable Chinese ESL (English-as-a-second-language) readers to identify with these novels.

» everyday functional English = inglés básico.

Example: The author describes a novel approach which uses the power of household brands as a springboard to fast track adults into reading and writing everyday functional English = El autor describe un método novedoso que utiliza el poder de las marcas muy conocidas como trampolín para acelerar el aprendizaje de la lectura y la escritura del inglés básico en los adultos.

» in the English style = a la inglesa, a lo inglés, según el estilo inglés.

Example: Watch as a seasoned horseback rider demonstrates how to tie up your horse before saddling it in the English style.

» National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) = Consejo Nacional de Profesores de Inglés.

Example: Organizations such as the American Chemical Society, the American Library Association, the Bibliographical Society of America, the Modern Language Association (MLA), the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), and many other similar groups publish some outstanding bibliographical tools.

» non-English = no en inglés.

Example: The second example retrieves records containing the term 'nutrient deficiencies' if those records are non-English.

» non-English-speaking country = país no anglófono, país cuya lengua oficial no es el inglés.

Example: The article 'How to install an elevator in the Tower of Babel' deals with linguistic problems in the use of English-language information services in non-English-speaking countries.

» pidgin English = pidgin inglés. [Lengua utilizada principalmente en las colonias inglesas entre hablantes de otras lenguas para llevar a cabo transacciones comerciales diarias y que presenta una estructura muy simplificada y con variantes fonéticas notables; por ejemplo, "pidgin" en lugar de "business"]

Example: Such an extreme form of control would achieve an index language which, like pidgin English, would be capable of being easily learned and used.

» TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) = TOEFL (Examen de Inglés como Segunda Lengua). [Examen de inglés que todo estudiante extranjero debe hacer como requisito para su entrada en una universidad americana]

Example: Results of the Pearson Product Moment Test showed a moderate correlation between the students' exit TOEFL scores and the post-test lirary skills scores.

English synonyms

side in spanish: lado, pronunciation: saɪd part of speech: noun english language in spanish: idioma en Inglés, pronunciation: ɪŋglɪʃlæŋgwədʒ part of speech: noun english people in spanish: gente inglesa, pronunciation: ɪŋglɪʃpipəl part of speech: noun the english in spanish: el inglés, pronunciation: ðəɪŋglɪʃ part of speech: noun
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