England in spanish


pronunciation: inglɑterɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

England = Inglaterra. 

Example: The London and South Eastern Library Region (LASER) is an organisation for library co-operation within Greater London, and various counties in the South East of England.


» Church of England, the = Iglesia de Inglaterra, la. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo. La iglesa nacional de Inglaterra, instaurada por ley y separada de la Iglesia Católica en el siglo XVI; su autoridad máxima es el rey o la reina aunque en realidad la gobiernan los Arzobispos de Canterbury y York]

Example: Which is a more effective location is a question that can be explored, but we do need to avoid the situation faced by other in situations developed in past ages, like the Church of England, whose physical plant (the church buildings) is over-provided for the denuded rural areas and under-provided for the city.

» Elizabethan England = Inglaterra del período Isabelino.

Example: Nor can we experience what it was like to be alive in an historical time -- in, say, Elizabethan England -- because the space-time barrier prevents it.

» New England = Nueva Inglaterra.

Example: News of boundless timber reserves spread, and before long lumberjacks from the thinning hardwood forests of New England swarmed into the uncharted area with no other possessions than their axes and brawn and the clothing they wore.

» talk for + England = hablar (hasta) por los codos, hablar como una cotorra, hablar hasta la saciedad.

Example: Barry's a keen player but the lad can talk for England and he has a tendency to get distracted when playing.

» Victorian England = Inglaterra victoriana, Inglaterra de la época victoriana.

Example: The writer examines the employment of women in the gas stove industry in late Victorian England.
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