Engineering in spanish


pronunciation: inxenieɹ̩iɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

engineer2 = ingeniar, diseñar, tramar, urdir. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: So, in telephone transmission the bandwidth of each speech circuit is engineered to be 4kHz.


» genetically engineered = creado por la ingeniería genética.

Example: Experimental research using a genetically engineered mouse animal model is outlined as an example.

engineering = ingeniería. 

Example: For example, a book on Bridges should be entered under Bridges and not under a broader heading such as engineering, nor doubly under both headings.


» aerospace engineering = ingeniería aeroespacial.

Example: Other branches of engineering include: 629.1 aerospace engineering, .2 Motor land vehicles and cycles, .3 Air-cushion vehicles (Hovercraft), and .4 Astronautics.

» agricultural engineering = ingeniería agrónoma.

Example: The citations from 11 publications released by the Department of agricultural engineering between 1981-1984 were examined.

» automotive engineering = ingeniería del automóvil.

Example: Some of the books recently published in the field of automotive engineering can perhaps best be described as awe-inspiring.

» aviation engineering = ingeniería de aviación.

Example: However, by 1900 the motor car was beginning to develop its own peculiar form of engineering, and since then we have had aviation engineering, nuclear engineering and control engineering.

» bioengineering = bioingeniería, ingeniería biológica.

Example: They support research in fields like bioengineering, quantum mechanics, and quantum electronics.

» canal engineering = ingeniería de canales.

Example: On the other hand, 626 is now unused, for the subject to which it was originally allocated, canal engineering, has so decreased in importance that it no longer justifies a separate heading.

» car engineering = ingeniería del automóvil.

Example: Clearly, car engineering and aviation engineering are similar to mechanical engineering rather than civil or sanitary engineering.

» chemical engineering = ingeniería química.

Example: Among the former we find a new group of 'distilled' classes, including Cybernetics, Management and Research methodology; among the latter another new group of 'fused' main classes, arising from the fusion of previously distinct subject areas, for example chemical engineering and Biophysics.

» chemical engineering industry, the = industria de la ingeniería química, la. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: Up to the 60s information and documentation were little developed in the automobile industry compared to the chemical or electrical engineering industry.

» civil engineering = ingeniería civil, ingeniería de caminos.

Example: Suppose you have to produce A/Z subject index entries by chain indexing procedure for the subject of the document 'A yearbook of civil engineering'.

» computer engineering = ingeniería computacional, ingeniería informática.

Example: Expanded Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) schedules for data processing, computer science, and computer engineering were published in 1985.

» construction engineering = ingeniería de la construcción.

Example: The highest research activity was in medicine, agriculture, geology, water and desalination, petroleum energy and construction engineering.

» control engineering = ingeniería de control.

Example: However, by 1900 the motor car was beginning to develop its own peculiar form of engineering, and since then we have had aviation engineering, nuclear engineering and control engineering.

» electrical engineering = ingeniería eléctrica.

Example: In the first edition, electrical engineering was omitted, but this was included in the second edition as a subdivision of mechanical engineering; while this may have been an acceptable subordination at the time, it would not now find general agreement.

» electrical engineering industry, the = industria de la ingeniería eléctrica, la. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: Up to the 60s information and documentation were little developed in the automobile industry compared to the chemical or electrical engineering industry.

» electronic engineering = ingeniería electrónica.

Example: Programmes have so far been produced in: Physics; and Electrical and electronic engineering.

» engineering aspects = aspectos técnicos.

Example: The reason behind this requirement of digital data lies in the engineering aspects of digital computers: they can only manipulate digital signals.

» engineering design = diseño técnico.

Example: This study describes and assesses the impact and instructional benefits of using these multimedia case studies for teaching engineering design.

» engineering drawing = dibujo técnico. [Tipo de dibujo empleado por ingenieros y arquitectos que sirve para trasladar una información específica en forma gráfica]

Example: An engineering drawing is a cross section, detail, diagram, elevation, perspective, plan, working plan, etc., made for use in an engineering or other technical context.

» engineering science = ingeniería.

Example: The primary focus of the journal is on stochastic modelling in the physical and engineering sciences.

» engineering technology = tecnología de la ingeniería.

Example: There is a wide range of options when it comes to educational preparation in engineering technology.

» forensic engineering = ingeniería forense.

Example: The forensic engineering librarian must understand the imperatives of standards-producing organisations and monitor their progress in developing new standards and revising old ones.

» genetic engineering = ingeniería genética.

Example: The article 'Future tense: science fiction confronts the new science' reviews recent science fiction novels for young adults that deal with artificial intelligence, robotics and genetic engineering.

» Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) = Grupo de Trabajo de Ingeniería de Internet (IETF).

Example: The IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) is another volunteer organization; it meets regularly to discuss operational and near-term technical problems of the Internet.

» knowledge engineering = ingeniería del conocimiento.

Example: Knowledge engineering divides knowledge into object knowledge and meta-knowledge and into deep and shallow knowledge.

» marine engineering = ingeniería marina.

Example: It acts as a focal point for marine technology and marine engineering research.

» mechanical engineering = ingeniería mecánica.

Example: In the first edition, electrical engineering was omitted, but this was included in the second edition as a subdivision of mechanical engineering; while this may have been an acceptable subordination at the time, it would not now find general agreement.

» mining engineering = ingeniería de minas, ingeniería minera.

Example: The minimum academic qualification for mining engineers is a bachelor's degree in mining engineering.

» municipal engineering = ingeniería municipal.

Example: These subjects are more closely related to Applied physics in 621 than to the subjects of Municipal engineering in 628 with which they are in fact collocated.

» nuclear engineering = ingeniería nuclear.

Example: However, by 1900 the motor car was beginning to develop its own peculiar form of engineering, and since then we have had aviation engineering, nuclear engineering and control engineering.

» reengineering [re-engineering] = reestructuración, remodelación, transformación. 

Example: Reengineering involves eliminating repeated work spending less time with administrative tasks.

» sanitary engineering = ingeniería sanitaria.

Example: Clearly, car engineering and aviation engineering are similar to mechanical engineering rather than civil or sanitary engineering.

» software engineering = ingeniería de software.

Example: This article examines the potential power of hypertext technology for the domains of journal and book publishing, insurance policy management, and software engineering.

Engineering synonyms

technology in spanish: tecnología, pronunciation: teknɑlədʒi part of speech: noun applied science in spanish: ciencia aplicada, pronunciation: əplaɪdsaɪəns part of speech: noun engineering science in spanish: ciencia ingeniera, pronunciation: endʒənɪrɪŋsaɪəns part of speech: noun engine room in spanish: sala de máquinas, pronunciation: endʒənrum part of speech: noun
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