Engineer in spanish


pronunciation: inxenieɹ̩oʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

engineer1 = ingeniero. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: Scientists, engineers and other subject specialists may be employed together with information scientists as full-time abstractors.


» aeronautical engineer = ingeniero aeronáutico.

Example: Windsurfing has its roots in the '60s when it began to take shape from conversations between an aeronautical engineer and a scientist.

» Army Corps engineer = ingeniero del cuerpo de zapadoreS.

Example: 'The goal is to not just to restore the beach, but also to stabilize it so we don't lose it,' Army Corps engineer Milton Yoshimoto said = "El objetivo no solo es restaurar la playa, sino también estabilizarla para perderla", dijo el ingeniero del cuerpo de zapadores Milton Yohsimoto.

» Army Corps Engineers = Cuerpo de Zapadores.

Example: The purpose of the system is to assist architecture firms under contract with the Army Corps Engineers in locating regulations or guidelines on the planning, design or construction of army facilities.

» civil engineer = ingeniero de caminos, ingeniero civil.

Example: The main findings are that civil engineers are, relatively speaking, not information conscious.

» computer engineer = ingeniero informático.

Example: Recently computer engineers, systems analysts and programmers have paid increasing attention to the point where computers and humans interact, known as the user interface.

» knowledge engineer = ingeniero del conocimiento.

Example: The current interest in establishing the skill credentials of so-called 'knowledge engineers' illustrates the point neatly enough.

» military engineer = ingeniero militar.

Example: He started his career under satrap Ptolemy as a military engineer and explorer of the Nile valley.

» mining engineer = ingeniero de minas.

Example: The minimum academic qualification for mining engineers is a bachelor's degree in mining engineering.

» nuclear engineer = ingeniero nuclear.

Example: Nuclear engineers, nuclear physicists and nuclear medicine physicians all work in the field of nuclear science.

» sound engineer = ingeniero de sonido.

Example: As any experienced sound engineer will tell you, no two equalisers sound quite the same.

» structural engineer = ingeniero de estructuras.

Example: Not only that, you have to make sure the modification is approved by a structural engineer who works with trusses.

» telecom engineer = ingeniero de telecomunicaciones.

Example: The Government (with the exception of the police and the armed forces and the telecom engineers, water board engineers and electricity supply people) seems still to be talking about what to do rather than doing.

» water board engineer = empleado de la compañía suministradora de agua.

Example: The Government (with the exception of the police and the armed forces and the telecom engineers, water board engineers and electricity supply people) seems still to be talking about what to do rather than doing.

engineer2 = ingeniar, diseñar, tramar, urdir. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: So, in telephone transmission the bandwidth of each speech circuit is engineered to be 4kHz.


» genetically engineered = creado por la ingeniería genética.

Example: Experimental research using a genetically engineered mouse animal model is outlined as an example.

Engineer synonyms

direct in spanish: directo, pronunciation: dɜrekt part of speech: adjective organize in spanish: organizar, pronunciation: ɔrgənaɪz part of speech: verb mastermind in spanish: cerebro, pronunciation: mæstɜrmaɪnd part of speech: noun orchestrate in spanish: orquestar, pronunciation: ɔrkɪstreɪt part of speech: verb technologist in spanish: tecnólogo, pronunciation: teknɑlədʒɪst part of speech: noun engine driver in spanish: maquinista, pronunciation: endʒəndraɪvɜr part of speech: noun railroad engineer in spanish: ingeniero ferroviario, pronunciation: reɪlroʊdendʒənɪr part of speech: noun applied scientist in spanish: científico aplicado, pronunciation: əplaɪdsaɪəntɪst part of speech: noun
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