Engine in spanish


pronunciation: moʊtoʊɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

engine = motor. 

Example: These companies have been racing to define the information superhighway for themselves, and to stake a claim in what they view as the economic engine of the information age.


» car engine = motor del coche.

Example: Then the car engine blew in an explosion that made the hood bunch up from the impact of thrown pistons.

» combustion engine = motor de explosión, motor de combustión.

Example: The different types of fuel commonly used for car combustion engines are gasoline (or petrol), diesel, and kerosene.

» diesel engine = motor diesel, motor de gasoil.

Example: For example, an index user may desire information on diesel engines.

» engine compartment = compartimiento del motor, compartimento del motor.

Example: I seem to recall that there are two locations for chassis numbers, one in the boot (trunk) next to the battery and another somewhere in the engine compartment.

» engine craft = locomotora.

Example: We designed a secure -- and we will build it eventually -- computer room that was fireproof, tornado proof, and would take a hit from a single engine craft.

» engine + stall = motor + calarse.

Example: However, if you try to brake below this speed without depressing the clutch, the engine will stall because it's being forced to carry a load while operating below idle speed.

» fire engine = camión de bomberos, coche de bomberos.

Example: Two fire engines and around 20 firefighters were called to a fire in a derelict swimming baths in Walnut Tree Road.

» gasoline engine = motor de gasolina.

Example: This new gasoline engine can produce fuel savings of up to 20%.

» gas turbine engine = turbina de gas.

Example: From the dawn of powered flight, all aircraft were powered by piston engines until August 27, 1939, when the first gas turbine engine took to the air.

» inference engine = procesador inferencial.

Example: An ES consists of a knowledge base plus an 'inference engine' containing reasoning processes and problem solutions.

» internal combustion engine = motor de combustión interna, motor de explosión interna.

Example: To draw an analogy, it is perfectly possible to drive from A to B without knowing how the internal combustion engine works.

» jet engine = motor a reacción, motor de propulsión a chorro, motor a chorro.

Example: All of a sudden we heard the roar of jet engines and looked up to see two military jets lifting off the runway in hot pursuit of this object.

» keep + the engine running = mantener el motor encendido, mantener el motor arrancado, dejar el motor en marcha.

Example: Keep the fuel tank at least 1/4 full in case you are diverted or stranded and need to keep the engine running to stay warm.

» meta search engine = metabuscador.

Example: The author discusses the advantages of using meta search engines for searching the World Wide Web as an alternative to using several search engines and triangulating the results.

» piston engine = motor de pistones.

Example: From the dawn of powered flight, all aircraft were powered by piston engines until August 27, 1939, when the first gas turbine engine took to the air.

» power engine = potencia, fuerza motriz, puntal, centro neurálgico.

Example: Knowledge management is also being recognized as a power engine through which educational institutions can address their need for innovation and creativity.

» reasoning engine = máquina pensante.

Example: The suggestion that integration can be achieved via a reasoning engine seems fundamentally misconceived.

» search engine = buscador, robot de búsqueda, motor de búsqueda, portal. [En Internet, ordenador que se dedica a recoger las direcciones o URL de las páginas Web y a clasificarlas de algún modo para que el usuario pueda acceder a ellas por su contenido]

Example: The number of World Wide Web (WWW) databases or search engines has grown rapidly = El total de bases de datos o buscadores World Wide Web ha aumentado rápidamente.

» start + the engine = encender el motor.

Example: Convicted drink drivers could have breathalysers installed in their cars to prevent them starting the engine if they are over the limit = A los conductores alcohólicos que han sido condenados se les podría instalar en su vehículos alcoholímetros que les impidiese <b>encender el motor</b> si han bebido demasiado.

» steam engine = máquina de vapor.

Example: When Sadi Carnot undertook to produce the theory of the steam engine the result was an important step to thermodynamics.

» train engine = locomotora.

Example: This animated screen saver has a train engine speeding down the tracks while blowing its horn.

» turbine engine = turbina.

Example: This expert system was designed to provide the apprentice mechanic with the ability to diagnose and repair the turbine engine like an expert mechanic.

Engine synonyms

locomotive in spanish: locomotora, pronunciation: loʊkəmoʊtɪv part of speech: noun, adjective railway locomotive in spanish: locomotora de ferrocarril, pronunciation: reɪlweɪloʊkəmoʊtɪv part of speech: noun locomotive engine in spanish: motor locomotor, pronunciation: loʊkəmoʊtɪvendʒən part of speech: noun
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