Engage in spanish


pronunciation: koʊntɹ̩ɑtɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

engage1 = hacer partícipe, conducir, llevar, enganchar. 

Example: And literature is part of that essential human behavior; it engages us in pre-enactments and re-enactments.


» disengage = desconectar, soltar. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]

Example: The ribbon must be disengaged so that the metal typefaces strike the wax sheet directly.

» engage in = dedicarse a, participar en, participar activamente en, participar de forma activa en.

Example: In the libraries which were engaged in large-scale cataloguing co-operation was central to developments, as outlined in chapter 18.

» engage in + Adjetivo + behaviour = comportarse + Adverbio.

Example: Librarians are more likely than vendors to engage in unethical behaviour.

» engage in + an activity = realizar una actividad.

Example: Since the early 1970s the LC has engaged in various activities which have in some way supported the work of the co-operative.

» engage in + an argument = participar en una polémica, tomar parte en una polémica, polemizar.

Example: Before you initiate or engage in an argument, consider if this conversation is worth your time, effort, and energy.

» engage in + an dialogue = entablar una conversación.

Example: Rumor has it that she 'tolerates' Mathilda Panopoulos, having tried many times to engage her in meaningful dialogue only to find her 'hopelessly set in her opinions'.

» engage in + a practice = realizar una actividad.

Example: Such wasteful practices are only engaged in for the benefit of a certain, arbitrarily small, class of Bohemian scholars, who are probably anarchists anyway.

» engage in + sexual intercourse = tener relaciones sexuales.

Example: To force another person to engage in sexual intercourse against their will may be sentenced to gaol from one year to ten years.

» engage into + a gear = poner una marcha.

Example: Everytime I engage into a gear, I hear a clink noise that comes from the back of the car.

» engage + Posesivo + attention = atraer la atención de Alguien.

Example: Experiential learning is based on the assumption that one learns by doing and that learning through real experience engages the learner's total attention.

» engage with = colaborar con, participar en, relacionarse con, ocuparse de.

Example: In order to overcome isolation and develop a community oriented approach, libraries will need to engage with people.

engage2 = contratar, emplear, buscar los servicios de. 

Example: Some questions to consider before engaging a consultant are: are the consultant's services needed?, could existing staff do the job?, can you afford aconsultant?.


» engage as = contratar como/de, emplear como/de.

Example: The person engaged as an abstractor may be anyone from the author of a work, an information officer, or a subject expert to a library assistant or clerk.

engage3 = enfrentarse, hacer frente, entablar combate con. 

Example: Australian destroyers engaged the Japanese shore guns and the mine sweepers carried out their task successfully, but not without loss.


» engage in + combat = entablar combate, enzarzarse en la lucha.

Example: It is sad to see two rare success stories engaged in combat.

» engage in + confrontation with = enfrentarse a.

Example: By running away he shows who he is -- a boneless coward who never engaged in direct confrontation with the enemy.

» engage + the enemy = enfrentarse al enemigo, hacer frente al enemigo, luchar contra el enemigo.

Example: You, however, are more than welcome to head for Kasab to immediately engage the enemy and 'cut a fat hog'.

Engage synonyms

take in spanish: tomar, pronunciation: teɪk part of speech: verb employ in spanish: emplear, pronunciation: emplɔɪ part of speech: verb pursue in spanish: perseguir, pronunciation: pɜrsu part of speech: verb lock in spanish: bloquear, pronunciation: lɑk part of speech: noun, verb retain in spanish: conservar, pronunciation: rɪteɪn part of speech: verb rent in spanish: alquilar, pronunciation: rent part of speech: noun, verb plight in spanish: situación, pronunciation: plaɪt part of speech: noun mesh in spanish: malla, pronunciation: meʃ part of speech: noun charter in spanish: carta, pronunciation: tʃɑrtɜr part of speech: noun lease in spanish: arrendamiento, pronunciation: lis part of speech: noun absorb in spanish: absorber, pronunciation: əbzɔrb part of speech: verb wage in spanish: salario, pronunciation: weɪdʒ part of speech: noun hire in spanish: alquiler, pronunciation: haɪɜr part of speech: verb operate in spanish: funcionar, pronunciation: ɑpɜreɪt part of speech: verb occupy in spanish: ocupar, pronunciation: ɑkjəpaɪ part of speech: verb enlist in spanish: conseguir, pronunciation: enlɪst part of speech: verb prosecute in spanish: enjuiciar, pronunciation: prɑsəkjut part of speech: verb engross in spanish: absorber, pronunciation: ɪngroʊs part of speech: verb betroth in spanish: prometer en matrimonio, pronunciation: bɪtrɔθ part of speech: verb affiance in spanish: desposorio, pronunciation: æfiəns part of speech: verb

Engage antonyms

fire pronunciation: faɪɜr part of speech: noun can pronunciation: kæn part of speech: noun, verb withdraw pronunciation: wɪðdrɔ part of speech: verb sack pronunciation: sæk part of speech: noun dismiss pronunciation: dɪsmɪs part of speech: verb terminate pronunciation: tɜrməneɪt part of speech: verb disengage pronunciation: dɪsɪngeɪdʒ part of speech: verb force out pronunciation: fɔrsaʊt part of speech: verb send away pronunciation: sendəweɪ part of speech: verb give notice pronunciation: gɪvnoʊtəs part of speech: verb give the axe pronunciation: gɪvðəæks part of speech: verb
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