Enfranchise in spanish


pronunciation: emɑnθipɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

enfranchise = manumitir, liberar, emancipar, conceder el derecho al voto. 

Example: There were a total 1713 manumissions, 250 manumitted by colonial law and the remainder had been enfranchised by persons in England.


» disenfranchise = discriminar, alienar, enajenar. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]

Example: This article discusses an emerging class of Americans being disenfranchised by the growing importance of information technologies they cannot afford.

Enfranchise synonyms

affranchise in spanish: manumitir, pronunciation: əfræntʃaɪz part of speech: verb enfranchize in spanish: conceder, pronunciation: enfræntʃaɪz

Enfranchise antonyms

disenfranchise pronunciation: dɪsɪnfræntʃaɪz part of speech: verb disfranchise pronunciation: dɪsfrɑntʃaɪz part of speech: verb
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