Enforcement in spanish


pronunciation: ɑplikɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

enforcement = aplicación, ejecución, puesta en práctica, puesta en vigor. [Generalmente de una normativa o ley]

Example: These are less tangible, more dependent upon personal motivation and inclination, and not amenable to enforcement through institutional policies.


» law enforcement = hacer cumplir la ley. [En inglés, el concepto realmente denota "cómo hacer cumplir las leyes"]

Example: The bibliography presents studies on the use of various communications media to inform the public on issues, such as mass transportation, driving safety, water resources, health, pollution, and law enforcement.

» law enforcement agency = fuerza del orden público, fuerza de seguridad.

Example: Once a vehicle is impounded, law enforcement agencies often require it to remain locked up for at least a month.

» law enforcement authorities = autoridades encargadas de hacer cumplir la ley, autoridades policiales.

Example: If you suspect that dogfighting is happening in your neighborhood, contact local law enforcement authorities.

» law enforcement officer = agente del orden.

Example: The librarian must establish a close relationship with law enforcement officers to insure maximum cooperation when dealing with problem patrons.

» law-enforcement official = agente del orden.

Example: It's my understanding of the Fourth Amendment that people and their possessions can't be searched unless law-enforcement officials have information that they've committed a crime.

» legal enforcement = hacer cumplir la ley.

Example: Where harm over the Internet is caused by viruses, hidden in 'crannies' in the network, traditional legal enforcement is more difficult.

» re-enforcement = refuerzo, fortalecimiento. 

Example: A famous gaolbreak there led to Henry VIII ordering re-enforcement of the floor with giant stone blocks.
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