Energy in spanish


pronunciation: eneɹ̩xiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

energy1 = energía. [Nombre]

Example: Ranganathan proposed five basic types of facets which may occur in many subject fields: personality, matter, energy, space, time.


» alternative energy source = fuente de energía(s) alternativa(s).

Example: Projects eligible for support in alternative energy sources are geothermal energy, solar energy, biomass, wind and ocean energy and hydro-electric power.

» atomic energy = energía atómica.

Example: To foster the exchange of scientific and technical information on peaceful uses of atomic energy the Agency collects and disseminates information.

» be full of energy = estar lleno de energía, estar lleno de vitalidad, estar pletórico de energía, estar pletórico de vitalidad, estar repleto de energía, estar repleto de vitalidad.

Example: They were full of energy and that brought the party to life.

» be out of energy = quedarse sin energía.

Example: 'I'm not feeling too good, I think I'm out of energy,' he told the crowd, saying he was sorry and blowing a kiss before walking off the stage with his head hung low.

» bioenergy = bioenergía.

Example: The author attempts to apply Bradford's Law of scattering and Lotka's Law of productivity to the literature of bioenergy to determine if the law holds good for ten abstracting services.

» clean energy = energía limpia.

Example: There is a new wave of renewable energy innovation which could be a game-changer for clean energy production.

» concentrate + Posesivo + energy = concentrar el esfuerzo.

Example: Most companies concentrate their energies on new product development to raise profits.

» conserve + energy = conservar energía.

Example: At least two swift species share with hummingbirds the ability to enter periods of torpidity to conserve energy.

» consume + energy = consumir energía.

Example: A square building with low velocity air conditioning would consume less energy than a rectangular building with no artificial ventilation.

» devote + Posesivo + energy = dedicar esfuerzo.

Example: Let us call a moratorium on writing about the subject and devote our energies to doing comparative work.

» direct + energy = dirigir el esfuerzo, concentrar el esfuerzo.

Example: As energies became directed to less abstract matters working men began to see libraries as undemocratic and inhospitable institutions.

» Energy facet = faceta de Energía.

Example: Again, in Class M7 Textiles we find that the Personality facet P is considered to be the Fibre (Cotton, Flax, Hemp, etc) and in the Energy facet are found the operations (Spinning, Weaving, Carding, etc.).

» energy-intensive = que consume mucha energía.

Example: The objective is to continue to reduce total energy consumption by introducing more energy-efficient industrial processes and switching to less energy-intensive industries.

» energy-rich = rico en energía.

Example: Azides are energy-rich molecules with many applications.

» European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom/EAEC) = Comunidad Europea de la Energía Atómica (Euratom/EAEC).

Example: The 'European Community' is composed of three individual Communities: the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), the European Atomic Energy Community) (the EAEC, or Euratom), and the European Economic Community (the EEC or 'Common Market').

» expend + energy = dedicar energía.

Example: Such an approach can lead to confusion and discouragement, and a great deal of energy can be expended on faulty assumptions.

» fission energy = energía producto de la fisión.

Example: How can we channel this fission energy so that children help each other through the network of social relationships which so much affect their likes and dislikes?.

» fragment + Posesivo + energies = dividir + Posesivo + fuerzas.

Example: While joint projects are a good thing, they can also fragment our energies and stretch our resources.

» gather + energy = reponer fuerzas.

Example: These stoppages for informal discussion gives the pupils time to gather their energies again to continue reading.

» geothermal energy = energía geotérmica.

Example: Topics covered include geology, satellite imagery, nuclear energy, solar energy, geothermal enery, wind, seismicity, oil and gas resources, and oceanography.

» get + Posesivo + energy back = recuperar (las) fuerzas, recobrar (las) fuerzas.

Example: I was flat out after my lobectomy and it took me 3 months to get my energy back and then after my chemo it took me three months again to get my energy back.

» green energy = energía verde, energía renovable, energía sostenible.

Example: However, there are those with huge financial stakes in green energy and green policy that continue to push forward with this agenda because if new legislation goes through, they stand to make a fortune.

» high energy = con mucha energía, de alta energía.

Example: The author characterizes librarians as flexible, collaborative, high energy, risk-taking visionaries.

» high energy physics = física de partículas, física de altas energías.

Example: This number is much lower for solid state physics than for high energy or nuclear physics.

» human energy = esfuerzo humano, energía humana.

Example: The primary objective of systems design today is to minimise the expense of human energy.

» kinetic energy = energía cinética.

Example: Kinetic energy does not gravitate in the same way that rest mass does.

» low energy = de bajo consumo.

Example: His offices and warehouses were one of the first designs which was subsequently described as loose fit, low energy building.

» magnetic energy = energía magnética.

Example: In a recent paper she has studied certain problems of the dissipation of magnetic energy when an ionized gas moves in a magnetic field.

» non-renewable energy = energía no renovable.

Example: Because non-renewable energy is energy that could become depleted, we have to be thrifty with it.

» nuclear energy = energía nuclear.

Example: Topics covered include geology, satellite imagery, nuclear energy, solar energy, geothermal enery, wind, seismicity, oil and gas resources, and oceanography.

» ocean energy = energía del mar.

Example: Projects eligible for support in alternative energy sources are geothermal energy, solar energy, biomass, wind and ocean energy and hydro-electric power.

» pent-up energy = energía contenida.

Example: Throughout history, school recess has been promoted as a time for children to take in fresh air and release their pent-up energy.

» petroleum energy = energía del petróleo.

Example: The highest research activity was in medicine, agriculture, geology, water and desalination, petroleum energy and construction engineering.

» put forth + energy = esforzarse.

Example: The goal may be of little value or of high scientific or cultural significance, but energy is put forth to accomplish a task.

» recoup + Posesivo + energy = recuperar las fuerzas.

Example: Though we should bear in mind that a talk needs moments of relaxation, when we forget the main topic for a short time while our minds 'take a breather' and we recoup our energy.

» release + energy = liberar energía.

Example: Throughout history, school recess has been promoted as a time for children to take in fresh air and release their pent-up energy.

» renewable energy = energía renovable, energía no contaminante.

Example: Consequently, many countries promote renewable energies through tax incentives and subsidies.

» renewed energy = renovada energía, renovada fuerza.

Example: We were overwhelmed with excitement and this has given us renewed energy to deliver a high quality tournament.

» sap + the energy = mermar las fuerzas.

Example: Fee services sap energies and attention from services responsive to other basic human values = El cobro de servicios merma las fuerzas y la atención que se le debería dedicar a servicios que atienden a otros valores humanos básicos.

» save + energy = ahorrar energía.

Example: To save energy, modern cement plants preheat the materials before they enter the kiln.

» savings in energy = ahorro de energía, ahorro de esfuerzo.

Example: Some of the advantages of renovating rather than constructing a new building include considerable savings in money and energy = Algunas de las ventajas de renovar más que construir un nuevo edificio son el ahorro considerable de dinero y esfuerzo.

» solar energy = energía solar.

Example: Topics covered include geology, satellite imagery, nuclear energy, solar energy, geothermal enery, wind, seismicity, oil and gas resources, and oceanography.

» solar energy generator = generador de energía solar.

Example: 11.11% of the libraries in the sample plan to install solar energy generators within the next three years.

» source of energy = fuente de energía.

Example: We need to act on this conviction (it means a shift in political and social consciousness that may be painful to many) if the library is to be a source of energy and not a drugstore.

» spiritual energy = energía espiritual.

Example: But 'spiritual energy' is just a vague manner of speaking and has no empirical content at all that I can see.

» sustainable energy = energía sostenible.

Example: That means that sustainable energy is energy which is replenishable within a human lifetime and causes no long-term damage to the environment.

» sustainable source of energy = fuente sostenible de energía, fuente energética sostenible.

Example: We need sustainable sources of energy for the future because we are using up our natural resources faster than the planet can replenish them.

» take (up) + a lot of energy = consumir esfuerzo, consumir energía, exigir trabajo, necesitar trabajo, costar trabajo, costar esfuerzo, no nacer con un pan bajo el brazo, no venir con un pan bajo el brazo.

Example: The new Statutes, which inevitably took up a lot of our energies, have delivered at least some of the objectives which the Working Party envisaged.

» thermal energy = energía térmica.

Example: The purpose of this experiment was to find which species of wood will produce the most thermal energy when combusted.

» wasted energy = esfuerzo inútil.

Example: However, the time spent at the front end of the process saves frustration and wasted energy farther into the process.

» waste + energy = derrochar energía.

Example: Lack of policy means that questions may be considered time after time, by a number of different individuals, with the result that energy is wasted.

» wind energy = energía eólica.

Example: Projects eligible for support in alternative energy sources are geothermal energy, solar energy, biomass, wind and ocean energy and hydro-electric power.

energy2 = energético. [Adjetivo]

Example: Not all topics are covered, but a broad group of industrial topics are represented, including, measurement, environmental and safety engineering, energy technology and communication.


» energy balance = equilibrio energético.

Example: Kinesiology is a holistic complementary therapy that helps the body recover from illness, allergies, stress, etc. by restoring energy balance.

» energy bill = factura del gas y la luz, recibo del gas y la luz, factura de la electricidad, recibo de la electricidad, factura de la luz, recibo de la luz, factura del gas, recibo del gas.

Example: Most households dedicate 11% of their energy bills to lighting.

» energy company = industria energética, compañía de suministro de energía.

Example: The writer discusses the collapse of Enron, the huge energy company that went bankrupt, destroying both the jobs and the life savings of thousands of employees.

» energy conservation = ahorro de energía.

Example: Let us attempt to examine these factors with particular reference to the field of energy conservation.

» energy consumption = consumo energético.

Example: There are multiple strategies available to large buildings that will reduce a company's energy concumption.

» energy conversion = transformación energética, transformación de la energía, conversión energética, conversión de la energía.

Example: In the far term novel techniques are being developed to remove carbon dioxide from fuel gas or flue gas from energy conversion systems.

» energy costs = costes de mantenimiento energético.

Example: There is unfortunately a great tendency to try and reduce capital costs when planning a building and at the same time totally forget the annual energy costs.

» energy crisis = crisis energética.

Example: The energy crisis of the early 1970s encouraged programmes on non-conventional energy sources and energy saving.

» energy drink = bebida energética.

Example: This risk can be reduced by regularly taking in fluid or energy drinks throughout exercise.

» energy efficiency = eficiencia energética, aprovechamiento energético, ahorro energético.

Example: A new energy efficiency survey reveals that business is embracing the challenge of becoming more environmentally friendly.

» energy efficient = eficiencia energética, eficaz desde un punto de vista energético.

Example: The building envelope, if carefully designed, may be highly energy efficient, to the extent that it helps to control seasonal heat gains and losses.

» energy industry = industria energética.

Example: In the chemical, energy and aerospace industries, it is inevitable that research sponsors will wish to keep the results to themselves.

» energy level = aguante, resistencia, nivel energético, nivel de energía.

Example: It started last Friday week when I had to abandon a training session as my energy levels dropped through the floor.

» energy resource = recurso energético.

Example: This programme was devoted to improve the managament of energy resources by developing renewable energy sources and the rational use of energy.

» energy saving = ahorro energético, ahorro de energía.

Example: The energy crisis of the early 1970s encouraged programmes on non-conventional energy sources and energy saving.

» energy-saving = de gran ahorro energético, de alto ahorro energético.

Example: It was designed as a prototype integrating sophisticated energy-saving technologies and environmentally sound materials.

» energy source = fuente de energía.

Example: The energy crisis of the early 1970s encouraged programmes on non-conventional energy sources and energy saving.

» energy system = sistema energético.

Example: As already mentioned the anaerobic energy system provides energy in the absence of oxygen.

» energy tax = impuesto energético.

Example: For decades liberals have gone to extraordinary lengths to impose new energy taxes.

» energy use = consumo energético.

Example: To compare the performance of street lamps, the energy use of each lamp will have to assessed.

» energy utility business, the = industria energética, la.

Example: Deregulation compelled the energy utility business to restructure its inwardly directed culture and its overgrown and rivalrous internal services function.

» energy wall = muro energético, pared energética.

Example: Outside the walls of the room, outside the walls of his skull, outside the impalpable energy walls of his mind, he felt those forces gathering, swelling up.

» utility energy bill = factura del gas y la luz, recibo del gas y la luz, factura de la electricidad, recibo de la electricidad, factura de la luz, recibo de la luz, factura del gas, recibo del gas.

Example: It is essentially concerned with ensuring that utility energy bills have been correctly calculated according to the tariff, and based on the correct billing data.

Energy synonyms

push in spanish: empujar, pronunciation: pʊʃ part of speech: verb, noun vigor in spanish: vigor, pronunciation: vɪgɜr part of speech: noun vitality in spanish: vitalidad, pronunciation: vaɪtæləti part of speech: noun vim in spanish: empuje, pronunciation: vɪm part of speech: noun vigour in spanish: vigor, pronunciation: vɪgɔr part of speech: noun get-up-and-go in spanish: Levántate y ve, pronunciation: getʌpændgoʊ part of speech: noun energy department in spanish: departamento de energia, pronunciation: enɜrdʒidɪpɑrtmənt part of speech: noun department of energy in spanish: Departamento de Energía, pronunciation: dɪpɑrtməntʌvenɜrdʒi part of speech: noun
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