Enemy in spanish


pronunciation: enemigoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

enemy1 = enemigo. [Nombre]

Example: Dust is an enemy of microcomputers as it is with any piece of electrical apparatus, and a dust cover costing a few pounds is a worthwhile purchase.


» arch enemy [archenemy] = archienemigo, enemigo acérrimo.

Example: The article 'The case of Charles Merrill Mount: the archivist's arch enemy' describes the theft of valuable letters and documents by Charles Merrill Mount.

» asymmetric enemy = enemigo asimétrico.

Example: To force asymmetric enemies like al Qaeda into decisive battle we must surround them, cut them off from escape and kill or capture them.

» at the hands of enemies = en manos del enemigo, en manos enemigas.

Example: However, the stela remained unfinished when he died two years later under mysterious circumstances at the hands of enemies.

» at the hands of the enemy = en manos del enemigo, en manos enemigas.

Example: Many who were wounded and still alive when this was going on a suffered a horrible death at the hands of the enemy.

» become + Posesivo + own worst enemy = convertirse en + Posesivo + peor enemigo.

Example: There are many who think that towards the end of his life Gandhi became his own worst enemy and almost provoked his detractors into liquidating him.

» be + Posesivo + (own) worst enemy = ser + Posesivo + peor enemigo, perjudicarse a Uno mismo, tirarse piedras

contra + Posesivo + propio tejado.

Example: If you put a lot of effort into losing weight but just don't seem to get results, you may be your own worst enemy.

» bitter enemy = enemigo acérrimo, enemigo a/de muerte.

Example: False friends are worst than bitter enemies.

» consort with + the enemy = confraternizar con el enemigo.

Example: Journalists are worried about spilling military secrets, undermining national security, and consorting with the enemy.

» defeat + the enemy = derrotar al enemigo, vencer al enemigo.

Example: In hand-to-hand combat, the soldier must have the attitude that he will defeat the enemy and complete the mission, no matter what.

» enemy nation = nación enemiga.

Example: Letters of Marque and Reprisal were the official documents by which 18th-century governments commissioned private commercial ships, known as privateers, to act on their behalf, attacking ships carrying the flags of enemy nations.

» enemy of humanity = enemigo de la humanidad.

Example: If he can't do that right, then he has no place in any station of government and we need to realize that he is an enemy of humanity.

» enemy of the people = enemigo del pueblo.

Example: 'Enemies of the People' may be one of the most important films about Cambodia ever made = "Enemigos del pueblo" quizás sea una de las películas más importantes que jamás se ha hecho sobre Camboya.

» engage + the enemy = enfrentarse al enemigo, hacer frente al enemigo, luchar contra el enemigo.

Example: You, however, are more than welcome to head for Kasab to immediately engage the enemy and 'cut a fat hog'.

» fraternise with + the enemy = confraternizar con el enemigo.

Example: The truce saw soldiers at several places put down their guns at Christmas to fraternise with the enemy.

» make + enemies = hacer enemigos, ganar enemigos.

Example: However, her strong-mindedness, dictatorial tactics, and attempts to dominate her teachers and staff have made her many enemies.

» make + friends with the enemy = hacer amistad con el enemigo, confraternizar con el enemigo.

Example: Another problem was nursing a grudge, making friends with the enemies to get back to someone whom she thought was a thorn in her flesh.

» public enemy = enemigo público.

Example: This shaggy-haired 27-year-old Burmese video journalist is considered a public enemy by his country's military junta.

» public enemy number one = enemigo público número uno.

Example: Obesity is public enemy number one in New Mexico.

» sleep with + the enemy = dormir con el enemigo.

Example: She was a spy who slept with the enemy in order to obtain information.

» sworn enemy = enemigo declarado, enemigo acérrimo, enemigo a/de muerte.

Example: I wouldn't quite call them our sworn enemies, any more than a mosquito is a human's sworn enemy.

» the enemy within = el enemigo en casa.

Example: Ever since Margaret Thatcher referred to striking miners in 1980s Britain as 'the enemy within', mere mention of the concept has seemed a symptom of paranoia.

» Posesivo + worst enemy = Posesivo + peor enemigo.

Example: In other words, we have become our worst enemy, continually shooting ourselves in the foot.

enemy2 = enemigo. [Adjetivo]

Example: The term 'axis of evil' has locked the United States - North Korean foreign policy at an enemy stance.


» enemy camp, the = campo enemigo, el.

Example: A friend in the enemy camp is the term he uses when describing our friendship.

» enemy combatant = combatiente enemigo.

Example: Among other things, the war context gives the President the authority to detain enemy combatants at least until hostilities cease.

» enemy country = país enemigo.

Example: During and after the war, consumers became more hostile to the products of enemy countries, especially with cultural products such as films.

» enemy fire = fuego enemigo.

Example: In more than one occasion he exposed himself to enemy fire and grenades by covering the bodies of those whom he was aiding with his own.

» enemy incursion = incursión enemiga.

Example: It was part of an artificial defense system, a buffer zone to slow down enemy incursions.

» enemy invasion = invasión enemiga.

Example: We need to build more ships or else our shores are vulnerable to pirates and enemy invasions.

» enemy lines = líneas enemigas.

Example: His most memorable mission was transporting gasoline through enemy lines along with his gunny, Maurice.

» enemy position = posición enemiga.

Example: They called for air support in destroying the enemy position.

» enemy soldier = soldado enemigo.

Example: There is nothing wrong with killing enemy soldiers that are attacking you and it would seem foolhardy just to let them escape.

» enemy territory = territorio enemigo.

Example: Imagine a young man, alone and without supplies or tools, abandoned to his own wits in the middle of hostile enemy territory.

» fall into + enemy hands = caer en manos enemigas.

Example: Crucial information too important to be allowed to appear in periodicals, which might fall into enemy hands, was printed in the form of individual papers in a limited number of copies.

» go over to + the enemy camp = pasarse al (campo) enemigo.

Example: We all agreed that he was a spy and a deserter, who had gone over to the enemy camp and sold himself for gold.

Enemy synonyms

foe in spanish: enemigo, pronunciation: foʊ part of speech: noun opposition in spanish: oposición, pronunciation: ɑpəzɪʃən part of speech: noun opponent in spanish: adversario, pronunciation: əpoʊnənt part of speech: noun foeman in spanish: foeman, pronunciation: foʊmən part of speech: noun

Enemy antonyms

friend pronunciation: frend part of speech: noun ally pronunciation: ælaɪ part of speech: noun confederate pronunciation: kənfedɜrət part of speech: adjective, noun
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