Endowment in spanish


pronunciation: doʊtɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

endowment1 = donación, dotación. 

Example: I come from a private institution supported by an endowment.


» book endowment = donación de libros.

Example: The library began with a book endowment by Sebald Welser in 1581.

» endowment fund = donación económica de fundación.

Example: Endowment funds range from zero to 5 million.

» National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) = Fundación Nacional para las Humanidades (NEH).

Example: Closely related to this effort is the National Serials Data Program (NSDP), which is jointly funded by CLR, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), and the National Science Foundation (NSF).

endowment2 = don. 

Example: Appreciation of literature, and the ability to say things about it which are true but not new, is a much commoner endowment.

Endowment synonyms

gift in spanish: regalo, pronunciation: gɪft part of speech: noun talent in spanish: talento, pronunciation: tælənt part of speech: noun natural endowment in spanish: dotación natural, pronunciation: nætʃɜrəlendaʊmənt part of speech: noun endowment fund in spanish: fondo de dotación, pronunciation: endaʊməntfʌnd part of speech: noun
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