Endlessly in spanish

Sin fin

pronunciation: sinfin part of speech: adverb
In gestures

endlessly1 = infinitamente, interminablemente. 

Example: If we look at a totally different sort of book, romantic fiction, we find here a form of novel which, to the outsider who has never read one of them, may seem to be endlessly repetitious.


» endlessly + Adjetivo = infinitamente + Adjetivo, Adjetivo + hasta la saciedad.

Example: If we look at a totally different sort of book romantic fiction we find here a form of novel which, to the outsider who has never read one of them, may seem to be endlessly repetitious.

» talk + endlessly = hablar hasta la saciedad.

Example: He talks endlessly regardless of your interest or obvious impatience.

endlessly2 = incesantemente. 

Example: Computers can work endlessly without having to stop to rest unless there is a breakdown.

Endlessly synonyms

continuously in spanish: continuamente, pronunciation: kəntɪnjuəsli part of speech: adverb incessantly in spanish: incesantemente, pronunciation: ɪnsesəntli part of speech: adverb infinitely in spanish: infinitamente, pronunciation: ɪnfənətli part of speech: adverb unceasingly in spanish: incesantemente, pronunciation: ənsisɪŋli part of speech: adverb interminably in spanish: interminablemente, pronunciation: ɪntɜrmɪnæbli part of speech: adverb ceaselessly in spanish: incesantemente, pronunciation: sizləsli part of speech: adverb without end in spanish: sin fin, pronunciation: wɪθaʊtend part of speech: adverb unendingly in spanish: sin fin, pronunciation: ənendɪŋli part of speech: adverb

Endlessly antonyms

finitely pronunciation: fɪnətli part of speech: adverb
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