Endive in spanish


pronunciation: endibiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

endive = endivia, endibia. 

Example: The crops grown included endives, capsicums, lamb's lettuce, celery, leeks, Chinese cabbages and other oriental chicories.


» curly endive = escarola.

Example: Of all types of salad, curly endives are some of the richest in nutrients.

Endive synonyms

escarole in spanish: escarola, pronunciation: eskɜroʊl part of speech: noun witloof in spanish: witloof, pronunciation: wɪtluf part of speech: noun cichorium endivia in spanish: Cichorium Endivia, pronunciation: sɪkɔriəmendiviə part of speech: noun chicory escarole in spanish: escarola de achicoria, pronunciation: tʃɪkɜrieskɜroʊl part of speech: noun
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