Ending in spanish


pronunciation: finɑliθɑndoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

end3 = acabar, terminar, finalizar. 

Example: Each field also ends with a special delimiter, which signals the end of the fields.


» all is well that ends well = bien está lo que bien acaba.

Example: 'All is well that ends well,' at least for the three policemen who were released and their families = "Bien está lo que bien acaba", al menos para los tres policías liberados y para sus familias.

» bookend = enmarcar, poner el colofón final, rematar.

Example: In a sense, the release of this new album has lifted a weight off his shoulders and bookended his first six years as a solo artist.

» end + a conversation = acabar una conversación, finalizar una conversación, terminar una conversación.

Example: Among the many symptoms of autism there is the difficulty in intervening in or ending a conversation and the habit of butting into a conversation inopportunely.

» end + a relationship = terminar una relación, acabar con una relación.

Example: To be honest I really don't have a problem ending relationships as I am such a prat that I usually end up losing good friends.

» end in + a draw = terminar en empate, acabar en empate, finalizar en empate.

Example: The most important fact known about the game is that, unlike some other games, it can't end in a draw.

» end + Nombre + on a high (note) = acabar de forma positiva, terminar de forma positiva, acabar con una nota de optimismo, terminar con una nota de optimismo, acabar con un broche de oro, terminar con un broche de oro, cerrar con un broche de oro.

Example: There were ups and downs, to be sure, but it sure did end on a high note.

» end on + a + Adjetivo + note = terminar en un tono + Adjetivo .

Example: The Opening Ceremony will end on a lighter, more celebratory note for IFLA's 75th birthday.

» end on + a positive note = acabar de forma positiva, terminar de forma positiva, acabar de manera positiva, terminar de manera positiva, acabar de modo positivo, terminar de modo positivo, terminar en (un) tono positivo, acabar en (un) tono positivo.

Example: Finally, I would like to end on a positive note, and say that I am happy with pretty much all of the other changes you have implemented.

» end on + time = acabar a su hora, acabar puntualmente, finalizar a su hora, finalizar puntualmente, terminar a su hora, terminar puntualmente.

Example: A well-run and productive meeting starts on time and ends on time.

» end up = terminar, acabar.

Example: But if you have a certain feeling about language, then language ends up becoming very, very important.

» end up at + each other's throats = acabar como el perro y el gato.

Example: One of the best ways to ensure that you and your partner don't end up at each other's throats is by giving each other plenty of leeway to be who you want to be.

» end up in = acabar en, terminar en, desembocar en.

Example: Many people have fear that they may end up in prison for not paying their credit card debt.

» end up in + smoke = quedar en nada, quedar en agua de borrajas, terminar en nada, esfumarse, quedar en papel mojado, desvanecerse, evanescerse.

Example: There was a similar event in North Korea, but the difference is that the North Korean coup ended up in smoke.

» end up in + the wrong hands = acabar en malas manos, terminar en malas manos.

Example: It is often very difficult to ensure that aid and money sent to war zones does not end up in the wrong hands.

» end up on + a high note = terminar mejor de lo que + empezar, acabar mejor de lo que + empezar, terminar con mejor cara, acabar con mejor cara.

Example: What started off as a pretty bad day ended up on a high note, at least for two women in particular.

» end up on + the chopping block = terminar siendo eliminado, acabar siendo liminado.

Example: As whole neighborhoods atrophy, even good schools like Carstens can face dwindling enrollments and end up on the chopping block.

» end up + Posesivo + days in = acabar + Posesivo + días en.

Example: The Countess ended up her days in Chicago where for many years she was the leader of her class.

» end up with = acabar teniendo.

Example: Could the USA end up with a House of Delegates rather than a House of Representatives?.

» end + well = terminar bien, acabar bien.

Example: Fortunately it all ended well, and nothing bad happened to me except for some bruises.

» the be all and end all = el no va más, lo máximo.

Example: The article 'Professional status -- not the be all or end all' proposes a re-examination of the nature of librarians' work in relation to the professional model.

» the + Nombre + to end all + Nombre = el + Nombre + más completo.

Example: It is in the 1940s that we get the report to end all reports, the one prepared by Lionel McColvin personally.

ending = final, terminación. 

Example: The teacher should not give away any details which would be best enjoyed when met for the first time in a full reading, such as twist in the plot, unexpected endings, and the like.


» case ending = desinencia de declinación.

Example: Transcribe the data as found, however, if case endings are affected, if the grammatical construction of the data would be disturbed, or if one element is inseparably linked to another.

» happy ending = final feliz, desenlace feliz.

Example: All these novels are about young women meeting handsome men, at first disliking them and then discovering that they love them, with the inescapable 'happy ending' which means matrimony in these cases.

» have + a happy ending = tener un final feliz.

Example: Not everything has a happy ending, and not everything has an ending -- some things just kind of dribble away or cut off abruptly.

» have + a successful ending = tener un final feliz, llevar a buen puerto, llegar a buen puerto, llegar a buen fin.

Example: Every painful story have a successful ending, so bear the pain and get ready for success.

» nerve ending = terminación nerviosa, terminación del nervio.

Example: The cardiologist suspected that the neuropathy might be affecting the nerve endings around his heart, that its numbing sensation might be blocking his pain.

» never-ending = sin fin, eterno, interminable, inacabable, inagotable.

Example: His, he concludes, is the never-ending search for what is new in the world out yonder.

» unending = interminable, sin fin.

Example: In the mean time, the piles outside the library are multiplying and shapeshifting and, for every 100 books the library SWAT team rescues, 100 are added by the unending delivery trucks.

Ending synonyms

end in spanish: fin, pronunciation: end part of speech: noun close in spanish: cerrar, pronunciation: kloʊs part of speech: adverb, adjective conclusion in spanish: conclusión, pronunciation: kənkluʒən part of speech: noun suffix in spanish: sufijo, pronunciation: sʌfɪks part of speech: noun termination in spanish: terminación, pronunciation: tɜrməneɪʃən part of speech: noun closing in spanish: clausura, pronunciation: kloʊzɪŋ part of speech: noun

Ending antonyms

offset pronunciation: ɔfset part of speech: verb start pronunciation: stɑrt part of speech: verb, noun first pronunciation: fɜrst part of speech: adjective, adverb beginning pronunciation: bɪgɪnɪŋ part of speech: noun middle pronunciation: mɪdəl part of speech: noun, adjective outset pronunciation: aʊtset part of speech: noun commencement pronunciation: kəmensmənt part of speech: noun kickoff pronunciation: kɪkɔf part of speech: noun starting time pronunciation: stɑrtɪŋtaɪm part of speech: noun
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