End in spanish


pronunciation: fin part of speech: noun
In gestures

end1 = fin, objetivo, meta, finalidad. 

Example: In our fascination with the versatility of certain tools, we should not forget the ends to which they are to be applied.


» a means to an end = un medio para llegar a fin, un medio para conseguir un fin, un medio para alcanzar un fin.

Example: In a business setting, technical documentation is not an end in itself but rather a means to an end.

» be an end in itself = ser un fin en sí mismo.

Example: Shera and Egan's definition of bibliographic organization provides a reminder that the compilation of bibliographies is not an end in itself but merely the means to an end.

» be ends in themselves = ser un fin en sí mismos.

Example: Information networks are not ends in themselves, but rather are critical tools to ensure the exchange, transfer, and use of information.

» be the means to an end = ser un medio para llegar a un fin.

Example: Shera and Egan's definition of bibliographic organization provides a reminder that the compilation of bibliographies is not an end in itself but merely the means to an end.

» confuse + the means with the ends = confundir los medios con el fin.

Example: The issues, it seems to me, are in technology; for example, too often being too close to the operation, one tends to confuse the means with the end.

» pursue + an end = perseguir un fin.

Example: I would say that the general end of objectivity in the headings that Ms. Marshall talked about is a very laudable end and should be pursued.

» secure + an end = conseguir un fin.

Example: This difference between these two types of libraries we shall be well advised to observe though we should not be too hidebound as to the means by which we may secure the end.

» see + Nombre + to the end = continuar hasta acabar, continuar hasta finalizar, continuar hasta completar.

Example: Before we even start a job, we make sure you know each and every aspect of it, we put it on paper and see it to the end.

» see + the end of/to = ver el final de, ver el fin de.

Example: As spoken by the words of Plato, the only day we will see the end of war is when we ourselves perish.

» serve + an end = servir un fin.

Example: Although the pregnant women did not describe precisely the same counterstrategies as did library users, their counterstrategies served the same ends.

» suit + Posesivo + own ends = convenir.

Example: Of course we misremember details, and sometimes we do subconsciously change stories to suit our own ends.

» the end justifies the means = el fin justifica los medios.

Example: And when the end justifies the means, there are always a thousand untold consequences.

» to that end = con ese fin, para ello.

Example: This book is prepared as a contribution to that end.

» to the very end = justo hasta el final, hasta el mismo final.

Example: He was one of the few workers who saw the project out to the very end when some had dropped by the wayside.

» to this end = con este fin, para este fin, a este fin, para ello.

Example: To this end some consultative procedure is to be recommended.

end2 = fin, final, extremo, punta, cabo, parte, sector, esquina. 

Example: Scanning must start to the left of the bar codes and must continue past the right end.


» all good things (must) come to an end = todo lo bueno se acaba, todo lo bueno dura poco.

Example: I hear all good things must come to an end almost as often as I hear the equally untrue what comes up, must come down.

» at each end of = al principio y al final de.

Example: Working from the inside outwards, there will probably be one or two leaves of blank paper at each end of the book, which are of a different colour or texture from the printed leaves; these are the endpapers, which were added by the binder.

» at one end ... at the other = en una punta ... en la otra, en un extremo ... en el otro.

Example: The article describes how an unwanted library building was moved by barge from Belfair, a community at one end of Hood Canal in Washington State, to Hoodsport, at the other end.

» at one end ... at the other = por una lado ... por otro.

Example: But the humanizing first and third stages that would provide free humanistic content at one end and humane guidance in its use at the other have yet to be seriously subsidized in America.

» at one end of the scale = a un extremo de la escala.

Example: At one end of the scale were a large number of small shops that had scarcely changed since the eighteenth century.

» at the end of + Expresión Temporal = a finales de + Expresión Temporal, al final de + Expresión Temporal, al cabo de + Expresión Temporal.

Example: At the end of 1983 all customs duties between EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and EC countries were phased out = A finales de l983, se eliminaron progresivamente todos los aranceles entre los países de la EFTA (Asociación Europea para el Libre Comercio) y los de la CE.

» at the end of the day = al fin y al cabo, al final de cuentas, a fin de cuentas, a la postre, al final, a la larga.

Example: At the end of the day, the greatest need for the foreseeable future remains space for books and ordinary readers.

» at the end of the day = al final del día.

Example: One teacher I knew used to poke his head round the door just at the end of the day and say something like, 'Tomorrow when we meet I am going to tell you about the evil magician,' and then he would disappear leaving us all agog.

» at the end of the week = al final de la semana.

Example: Those were the days -- you could buy stuff and put it on the slate and pay at the end of the week.

» at the far end = en el extremo opuesto.

Example: At the far end, light is reconverted to electronic signals by a receiver.

» at the other end of the scale = en el otro extremo de la escala.

Example: At the other end of the scale, controversial pamphlets, and such things as single poems, plays, or sermons were normally sold stitched.

» at the other end of the spectrum = en el otro extremo de la escala.

Example: At the other end of the spectrum, rural counties adjacent to large metro areas benefited from their ties to the major centres of information.

» at the receiving end = al otro extremo, por el receptor.

Example: The text and graphics are digitised into the computer, transmitted over the Internet, and printed on a laser printer at the receiving end.

» at the very end = justo al final.

Example: I started to cry right at the very end when Holly began telling Artemis his own story.

» at the (very) end (of) = al final (de).

Example: A summary at the end of a document is intended to complete the orientation of the reader, and to identify the significant ideas for the reader to remember.

» be at a loose end = estar sin nada que hacer, estar sin hacer nada, estar mano sobre mano, estar con las manos cruzadas, estar de brazos cruzados. [En inglés americano es más común usar be at loose ends]

Example: Being goal driven most of my life and now retired, I seem to be at a loose end and dont know what to do with myself for the next 20 years.

» be at loose ends = estar sin nada que hacer, estar sin hacer nada, estar mano sobre mano, estar con las manos cruzadas, estar de brazos cruzados. [En inglés británico es más común usar be at a loose end]

Example: Abigail was at loose ends after Nabal died -- she was unable to imagine what would happen to her as a widow.

» be at + Posesivo + wit's end = no saber qué más hacer. [Con menos frecuencia también se utiliza wits' en lugar de wit's]

Example: 'Are you sure that's what you want?' 'I'm at my wit's end', he said and spread out his hands in a gesture of hopelessness.

» be at the end of + Posesivo + leash = hartarse, estar harto, estar negro, estar hasta la coronilla, estar hasta las narices, no aguantar más, no poder más.

Example: Both my husband and I are at the end of our leash with our four-year-old daughter -- she pretty well does what she wants when she wants.

» be at the end of + Posesivo + rope = hartarse, estar harto, estar negro, estar hasta la coronilla, estar hasta las narices, no aguantar más, no poder más.

Example: Frustrations mounting, sweat dripping, and steam coming out of my ears like a raging bull, I have again found myself at the end of my rope.

» be at the end of + Posesivo + tether = hartarse, estar harto, estar negro, estar hasta la coronilla, estar hasta las narices, no aguantar más, no poder más.

Example: She says she's at the end of her tether waiting for the arrival of her baby.

» be not the end of the world = no ser el fin del mundo.

Example: Taking a rest day from exercising is not the end of the world.

» be on the end of = ser la víctima de, ser el blanco de.

Example: It takes some bottle to take to the field every week knowing that you are likely to be on the end of another hiding.

» be on the losing end = perder, salir perdiendo, salir derrotado.

Example: His final fight ended ignominiously, with him on the losing end of an eighth-round technical knockout.

» be on the receiving end of = ser el beneficiario de, beneficiarse de.

Example: Third world countries may not be on the receiving end of access because of lack of money or education.

» be on the receiving end of = ser la víctima de, ser el blanco de.

Example: He may have come out smelling of roses, but what can you do if you ever are on the receiving end of a master manipulator or cheating partner?.

» be on the winning end = ganar, vencer, salir ganando, salir victorioso.

Example: Boxing fans love nothing more than a knockout, and the same goes for boxers themselves, so long as they are on the winning end.

» be the end of = ser el final de, ser el fin de.

Example: Sadly, in the early 80', a member of the Italian royal family was killed there, a few others got kidnapped, and that was the end of this resort at least for the jet-setters.

» be the end of the line = marcar el final, ser el punto final, ser el final de la línea, ser el final del trayecto.

Example: She thought it was the end of the line for her familly when her father was sent to prison for embezzlement.

» be the end of the road = marcar el final, ser el punto final, ser el final del camino.

Example: She had sucked enough from Ness, and she knew that was the end of the road for her.

» be the thin end of the wedge = ser (sólo) el principio de algo (mucho) peor, haber + que tener cuidado con las consecuencias.

Example: It's the thin end of the wedge and we need to keep a good eye on it and make sure we do try and keep some control.

» bookend = sujetalibros.

Example: These black elephant shaped bookends are 4 inches wide and 7 inches high.

» both ends = al principio y al final.

Example: Sometimes truncation may be operative on both ends of a stem.

» box(-end) spanner = llave de estrella. [Expresión más común del inglés británico cuyo equivalente en inglés americano es box(-end) wrench]

Example: You'll need a 12cm box-end spanner to remove the nut.

» box(-end) wrench = llave de estrella. [Expresión más común del inglés americano cuyo equivalente en inglés británico es box(-end) spanner]

Example: The box wrench, and its brother the open-end wrench, are the most common and versatile wrenches.

» bring + an end to = poner fin a, dar fin a, poner punto (y) final a, dar el puntillazo a, dar la puntilla a.

Example: He became famous as the leader of illegal metalworkers' strikes that helped bring an end to the military dictatorship in the mid-1970s.

» bring + Nombre + to an end = poner fin a, dar fin a, poner punto (y) final a, dar el puntillazo a, dar la puntilla a.

Example: Serial swindler Kenneth Broad was this afternoon jailed for 15 months bringing to an end a playboy lifestyle lived at other people's expense.

» burn + the candle at both ends = trabajar de sol a sol, robarle tiempo al sueño, hacer de la noche día, intentar abarcar demasiado, intentar abarcar más de la cuenta.

Example: Americans are attempting to fit ever more into 24 hours, and many appear willing to 'burn the candle at both ends' to accomplish that.

» by the end of = a finales de, para finales de.

Example: By the end of 1986 there were between 110 and 120 consumer advice centres.

» by the end of the month = para fin de mes, para finales de mes.

Example: The situation got better by the end of the month.

» call + an end to = poner fin a, dar fin a, poner punto (y) final a, dar el puntillazo a, dar la puntilla a, dar por terminado, dar por concluido.

Example: A march to call an end to gang-related violence in the city is slated to start at 2 p.m..

» carry + Nombre + to the end = llevar Algo hasta el final.

Example: One significant difference between a piece of fiction and a case, however, is that cases are written in the form of problems without solutions, rather than as complete narratives which carry a story to the end.

» cigarette end = colilla, colilla de cigarrillo.

Example: Capable of surviving up to 15 years in the sea, cigarette ends contain chemicals that are toxic to many forms of fish.

» come to + a bad end = terminar mal.

Example: The dullard's envy of brilliant men is always assuaged by the suspicion that they will come to bad end.

» come to + an abrupt end = cesar repentinamente, acabar repentinamente, finalizar repentinamente, terminar repentinamente.

Example: The demand for the old faces came to an abrupt end and the founders withdrew them from sale, some even destroying the old punches and matrices as so much scrap.

» come to + an end = finalizar, acabarse, terminarse, acercarse al final, llegar a su fin, tocar a su fin.

Example: The era of paper-based information systems is coming to an end.

» come to + a swift end = cesar repentinamente, acabar repentinamente, terminar repentinamente, finalizar repentinamente.

Example: But these heady days came to a swift end with the stock market crash on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929, in New York, Toronto, Montreal and other financial centres in the world.

» come to + the end of = llegar al final de, alcanzar el final de.

Example: We have come to the end of one methodology and must search for another.

» come to + the end of + Posesivo + useful life = llegar al final de + Posesivo + vida útil, alcanzar el final de + Posesivo + vida útil.

Example: They then found that their CD-ROM network had come to the end of its useful life.

» come to + the end of + Posesivo + life = llegar al final de + Posesivo + vida, alcanzar el final de + Posesivo + vida.

Example: When it came to the end of her life there must have been about 20 members of her family with her in the room.

» come to + the end of + Posesivo + tether = hartarse, estar harto, estar hasta la coronilla, estar hasta las narices, no aguantar más, no poder más.

Example: Mr James, who served 13 years of his 30-year sentence for the train robbery, said that he had come to the end of his tether and 'flipped his lid'.

» come to + the end of + Posesivo + working life = llegar al final de + Posesivo + vida útil, alcanzar el final de + Posesivo + vida útil.

Example: Sadly, he has now come to the end of his working life and needs to be culled to make way for younger blood -- I'm trying to pluck up the courage to do the deed this week, but its going to be very hard.

» come to + the end of the line = alcanzar el límite, llegar al límite, llegar al final del trayecto.

Example: Make sure you get all you can, because the gravy train is coming to the end of the line.

» come to + the end of the road = alcanzar el límite, llegar al límite, llegar al final del camino.

Example: Whenever he felt that he had come to the end of the road in his work, he would take refuge in music.

» dead end = callejón sin salida, impás, punto muerto.

Example: Shannon's approach proved something of a dead end.

» dead end street = callejón sin salida, impás, punto muerto.

Example: The article is entitled 'The Internet: superhighways, virtual alleys and dead end streets'.

» draw to + an end = finalizar, terminarse, acabarse, acercarse al final, llegar a su fin, tocar a su fin.

Example: As the war drew to an end, the horrendous scenes of misery and destitution came to light.

» end code = código de finalizar.

Example: When the end code is entered on the name summary screen and the document summary screen is redisplayed, the zero opposite the names label will be changed to the number of names added.

» end credits = créditos finales, títulos finales.

Example: If filling in the end credits for TV shows were part of your job you might get antsy sometimes too.

» endgame = fase final, estrategia final.

Example: If you read some of their write-ups, you can be sure that their endgame is to give a part of this country to Tamils.

» end-grain block = bloque xilográfico a contrafibra.

Example: Early woodcut initials, coats of arms, etc., were sometimes made from wood cut across the grain, but the use of end-grain blocks remained uncommon until the later eighteenth century.

» end-grain wood = madera cortada a contrafibra.

Example: The normal procedure was to fasten several pieces of end-grain wood together to make one large block.

» End key = tecla de fin.

Example: The <Home> and <End> keys move the cursor to the far left (beginning) or far right (end) of the line.

» endnote = nota al final, nota al final del texto.

Example: In addition, most readers preferred endnotes and references be at the ends of the chapters to which they referred, rather than at the end of the book.

» end-of-conference = de clausura de congreso.

Example: This article presents a shortened version of a speech presented at the end-of-conference banquet, at the International Toy Libraries Conference, Toronto, May 87.

» end of discussion = punto (y) final, y punto (y) pelota, fin de la discusión, y aquí se acaba la discusión, y aquí se acaba el tema.

Example: Likewise, she competes in women's tennis and is the best there ever was, end of discussion.

» end of story = punto (y) final, y punto (y) pelota, fin de la discusión, y aquí se acaba la discusión, y aquí se acaba el tema.

Example: You don't give out eight year contracts to players that are not stars, end of story.

» end-of-the-month = de final de mes, de fin de mes.

Example: The program is written in dBase 3 and runs on an IBM PC/XT, and reports the number of searches performed and prints end-of-the-month invoices for users unassociated with the university but with standing accounts.

» end of the year = fin de año, de fin de año.

Example: The party raged into the early morning hours drawing the attention of police, who have increased patrols in the area because of end of the year partying.

» endpapers = guardas, hojas de cortesía. [En encuadernación, hojas en blanco que se colocan al final de las hojas impresas de una obra antes de la cubierta]

Example: Working from the inside outwards, there will probably be one or two leaves of blank paper at each end of the book, which are of a different colour or texture from the printed leaves; these are the endpapers, which were added by the binder.

» end-play [endplay] = holgura.

Example: This special tool has been designed to measure the end-play movement of crankshafts.

» end point [endpoint] = punto final, extremo, término.

Example: The process reaches its end point when information is gathered, indexed and compiled into a useful format for public and library staff use.

» end product = producto final.

Example: The end product of this stage will be an index string which encompasses both terms and operators.

» end result = resultado final.

Example: The end result will be that more information on asbestos roofing has been traced.

» end to end = de una punta a otra, completo, total.

Example: Next morning the heap, now damp right through, was set up on one end of the horse (later called the bank), a bench long enough to take two piles of paper end to end, and about as high as the coffin of the press.

» end to end = juntos por el lado más estrecho.

Example: Two-sheet moulds, which appear to have been a Dutch invention of the late seventeenth century, were constructed so that the two sheets were made either end to end or side by side.

» end user [end-user/enduser] = usuario final. [Lector que busca la información por sí mismo sin la ayuda de un 'intermediario', bibliotecario o documentalista]

Example: These systems often permit greater quantities of information to be sifted and directed to the appropriate end user.

» end-user oriented = orientado al usuario final.

Example: However, the organisation is well on its way to becoming a broad-based provider of databases and end-user oriented information services in all areas of engineering.

» end-year = de final de año.

Example: The article 'End-year management of information' explores the nature of data base management systems that manage information from on-line public access catalogues (OPACs).

» extreme end = extremo.

Example: However, it was possible to identify queries from the extreme ends of the specificity continuum.

» fag-end = en las últimas, los últimos coletazos, coletilla.

Example: Blair is accused of presiding over a 'fag-end' government, one that is rapidly running towards the end of its useful life.

» fag end = colilla, colilla de cigarrillo.

Example: But many people have said that fag ends are merely the tip of the iceberg, with chewing gum and dog muck being some of the top pet peeves.

» fight until/till + the end = luchar hasta el final.

Example: Although they fought until the end, they could not get back into the game and succumbed to a 61-37 defeat.

» fitting end = final apropiado.

Example: After all, the man died in his cell, knowing he would never see freedom again -- a fitting end for someone who started four wars.

» for days on end = durante días y días.

Example: She suffered frequent flare-ups of widespread inflammation that would lay her low for days on end.

» fore-end = parte delantera, extremo delantero. 

Example: In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the more usual position for the horse was on the near side of the press, set out at slightly less than a right angle from the fore-end of the ribs = En los siglos XVII y XVIII, la posición más habitual del banco era al lado más cercano de la prensa, casi en angulo recto rspecto a los extremos delanteros de las escaleras.

» for + Expresión Temporal + on end = durante + Expresión Temporal + y + Expresión Temporal.

Example: But the grosser discrepancies -- such as the Cambridge compositor who for months on end turned out only a third of what he could do at top speed -- require another explanation.

» for hours on end = durante horas y horas, durante muchas horas.

Example: We used to put our kitties on a tether and let them explore the back yard, but not for hours on end.

» for months on end = durante meses y meses.

Example: But the grosser discrepancies -- such as the Cambridge compositor who for months on end turned out only a third of what he could do at top speed -- require another explanation.

» for weeks on end = durante semanas y semanas.

Example: My tremors can last like 5 days or so and then they just subside and go away for weeks on end sometimes.

» for years on end = durante años y años.

Example: Some plays are so successful that they run for years on end.

» from beginning to end = de principio a fin.

Example: This new drapers' guild commissioned a series of paintings illustrating the textile production steps from beginning to end.

» from one end ... to the other = desde un extremo ... al otro.

Example: In vain I walked from one end of London to the other, and trod the 'stony-hearted streets' from morning to night, day after day.

» front end [front-end] = procesador frontal, interfaz, interfaz de usuario. [En informática, procesador que actúa de intermediario entre el procesador central y el usuario]

Example: It describes a prototype interface that acts as a front end to a document storage facility, which allows the specification of uncertain queries and combines evidence about the relevance of documents to produce an overall ranking.

» front end = eje delantero, tren delantero.

Example: Rear ends of heavy vehicles are a real danger due to their being much higher than the front ends of cars and other light vehicles driving behind.

» gable end = hastial.

Example: According to the new design, the roof will have gable ends as opposed to being hipped with dormer windows = De acuerdo con el nuevo diseño, el techo tendrá hastiales en lugar de ser a cuatro aguas con buhardillas.

» get (hold of) + the wrong end of the stick = malentender, entender mal.

Example: The Americans got totally the wrong end of the stick over this, they thought we'd kept it secret for six months when actually it was three weeks.

» get + the shit(tty) end of the stick = tocar bailar con la más fea, tener la peor suerte, salir malparado, tocar la peor suerte, salir jodido.

Example: No matter how you look at it you are getting the shit end of the stick.

» get + the short end of the stick = tocar bailar con la más fea, tener la peor suerte, salir malparado, tocar la peor suerte, salir jodido.

Example: Statistics show that women usually get the short end of the stick when their marriages break up.

» happy end = final feliz, desenlace feliz.

Example: The plot diminishes the significance of difficulties and persuades the reader to see the story with a happy end.

» have + no end of problems with = no terminar nunca de tener problemas con.

Example: I would be glad to test the new version since I have had no end of problems with the old one.

» have + Nombre + at the end of + Posesivo + rope = tener harto, tener negro, tener hasta la coronilla, tener hasta las narices, no saber qué hacer.

Example: She really has him at the end of his rope and just wants her to get the hell out of his house and out of his life.

» have + Nombre + at the end of + Posesivo + tether = tener harto, tener negro, tener hasta la coronilla, tener hasta las narices, no saber qué hacer.

Example: My beautiful toddler has me at the end of my tether -- his night-time screaming has left me with a right shoulder that has seized up from lying in the fetal position in my son's tiny bed trying to get him to sleep.

» high-end = de la gama alta, de los mejores, de última generación, de calidad, superior, mejor.

Example: The system provides extensive map facilities which until now have been available only on high-end hypermedia systems like Intermedia.

» high end = extremo superior, sector superior, sector más avanzado.

Example: This distribution is highly positively skewed, with a float tail and a small upturn at the high end.

» in at the deep end = metido en lo más difícil, enfrascado en lo más difícil.

Example: The article 'In at the deep end: a look at EDI from the bookseller's point of view' is devoted to the theme of electronic document interchange (EDI).

» in go + Nombre + at one end, and out come + Nombre + at the other = por un lado entra + Nombre + y por otro sale + Nombre.

Example: In the ultimate CIM system in go raw materials, power, product specifications and orders at one end, and out come finished products at the other.

» interception front end = interceptor. [Ordenador que está programado para interrumpir una consulta que el usuario está realizando a un distribuidor en ciertas circumstancias]

Example: The conception of the interception front end is of a system that can be programmed to look for certain cues or clues in the user-host dialogue, and to interrupt the dialogue when particular combinations of events occur.

» in the end = en última instancia, a fin de cuentas, al final, a la larga, al fin y al cabo.

Example: This is time well invested since it saves money in the end and leads to a higher success rate in providing information = Éste es tiempo bien invertido ya que ahorra dinero en última instancia y permite ofrecer una información mucho más pertinente para el usuario.

» jump in at + the deep end = meterse de lleno en lo más difícil, enfrascarse en lo más difícil, liarse la manta a la cabeza.

Example: The article 'Jumping in at the deep end' explains the benefits and disadvantages of being a freelance editor.

» loose ends = cabos sueltos.

Example: Some librarians feel compelled to decide arbitrarily certain matters so as to avoid 'loose ends'.

» low-end = de la gama baja, de la gama inferior, de los peores, de antigua generación, de baja calidad, de inferior calidad, de calidad inferior, inferior, peor.

Example: Therefore real time interaction is feasible on both low-end and high-end machines.

» make + (both) ends meet = llegar a final de mes, salir a flote, salir adelante.

Example: As free Web sites find it increasingly difficult to make ends meet simply with the revenue generated from advertising, they are likely, either to close down or to start charging for access to the site.

» make it to + the end = llegar al final, lograr llegar al final, alcanzar el final, lograr alcanzar el final.

Example: And whoever makes it to the end, will have a foot in the door into the entertainment industry.

» make + Posesivo + hair stand on end = poner los pelos de punta.

Example: He was most definitely not their kind of Republican - a moderate, a maverick; outspokenly full of opinions that made their hair stand on end.

» mark + Posesivo + end = marcar + Posesivo + final.

Example: The exhibition illustrates the tragic history of the concentration camps, but also the heroic stories of liberation and survival that marked their end.

» mark + the end of = celebrar el final de, marcar el final de.

Example: The editorial 'Bidding a fond farewell' marks the end of Carol Diedrichs' 13 years as editor in chief of the journal.

» mean + an end to = significar el fin de Algo.

Example: Although publication of the second edition will mark the culmination of the current code revision project, it will not mean an end to code revision as such.

» mean + the end of = significar el final de.

Example: The growth of the Internet does not mean the end of copyright.

» never + hear + the end/last of it = tener cuerda para rato, ser el cuento de nunca acabar, tener cuerda para largo, traer colar (para rato), seguir coleando.

Example: This is a rivalry that has gone on for years and I will never hear the end of it for the next ten years if I lose.

» no end = inmensamente, en extremo.

Example: This decision will shake up library managers no end.

» odds and ends = retazos, trozos, minucias.

Example: Ephemeral jobs are likely to have been printed on such odds and ends of paper -- remnants and the like -- as were available in the warehouse.

» pay for it in + the end = pagar a la larga, pasar factura.

Example: Don't 'save time' by not correcting these small problems when they first occur -- you will only pay for it in the end.

» plunge in at + the deep end = meterse de lleno en lo más difícil, empezar por lo más difícil, enfrascarse en lo más difícil.

Example: It is giving me plenty of time to learn about the many aspects of being a teacher before being plunged in at the deep end.

» put + an end to = poner fin a, dar fin a, poner punto (y) final a, dar el puntillazo a, dar la puntilla a, dar por terminado, dar por concluido, acabar con.

Example: The abolition of the central and of the district libraries in 1803 put an end to a project which had met too many problems.

» reach + Posesivo + end = alcanzar + Posesivo + fin.

Example: It is clear that a powerful and mysterious force is pushing seniors toward greater volunteer involvement, and nonprofit groups should tap into this particularly civic age group before the Indian summer of volunteering reaches its end.

» reach + the end of = llegar al final de, alcanzar el final de.

Example: Figures for the numbers involved vary hugely, but fewer than one in ten of those who started the trek apparently reached the end of it.

» reach + the end of an era = llegar al fin de una era.

Example: Even though he obtained his journalism degree with honors, he chose to continue working as a Linotype operator until his retirement when Linotype reached the end of an era.

» reach + the end of + Posesivo + useful life = llegar al final de + Posesivo + vida útil, alcanzar el final de + Posesivo + vida útil.

Example: However, it is likely that by the year 2000 the majority of non-Year 2000 compliant PC applications will have reached the end of their useful life.

» reach + the end of + Posesivo + life = llegar al final de + Posesivo + vida, alcanzar el final de + Posesivo + vida.

Example: Very soon, she may reach the end of her life, and that is a terrifying concept to have to deal with.

» reach + the end of + Posesivo + rope = hartarse, estar harto, estar hasta la coronilla, estar hasta las narices, no aguantar más, no poder más.

Example: He was continuing to make problems for her and her family and she had reached the end of her rope.

» reach + the end of + Posesivo + tether = hartarse, estar harto, estar hasta la coronilla, estar hasta las narices, no aguantar más, no poder más.

Example: Before she reaches the end of her tether and does something she may later regret, she knows she has to make a decision -- it's crunch time in their relationship.

» reach + the end of + Posesivo + working life = llegar al final de + Posesivo + vida útil, alcanzar el final de + Posesivo + vida útil.

Example: The current system was introduced in 2006 and is now out of date, having reached the end of its working life.

» reach + the end of the line = alcanzar el límite, llegar al límite, llegar al final del trayecto, alcanzar el final del trayecto, llegar al final, alcanzar el final.

Example: One day, I reached the end of the line and decided that life wasn't worth living.

» reach + the end of the road = alcanzar el límite, llegar al límite, llegar al final del camino.

Example: Until you reach the end of the road, there is still time to change the path you've chosen.

» rear end = trasero.

Example: People may find the swollen female rear ends ugly, but male baboons find them attractive.

» rear end = choque por detrás, golpe por detrás.

Example: A typical medical consequence of rear-ends, even in case of collisions at moderate speed, is whiplash.

» rear-end = chocar por detrás, dar un golpe por detrás.

Example: For purposes of insurance and policing, the driver of the car that rear-ends the other car is almost always considered to be at fault.

» rear end = eje trasero, tren trasero.

Example: Rear ends of heavy vehicles are a real danger due to their being much higher than the front ends of cars and other light vehicles driving behind.

» run towards + the end of + Posesivo + useful life = expirar, acabar + Posesivo + vida útil, agotar + Posesivo + vida útil.

Example: Blair is accused of presiding over a 'fag-end' government, one that is rapidly running towards the end of its useful life.

» see + no end of/to = no ver el final de, no ver el fin de.

Example: Suffering a bewildering multitude of insoluble problems, Alice saw no end of misery.

» see + the light at the end of the tunnel = ver la luz al final del túnel.

Example: I once thought I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, but it was just the light from a torch of some bastard bringing me more work.

» split ends = puntas abiertas.

Example: Then, she noticed the split ends on his shaggy hair.

» swim in + the deep end = meterse de lleno en lo más difícil, enfrascarse en lo más difícil.

Example: I was quickly swimming in the deep end, surrounded by the controversy over the decision to hold the 2000 conference in Jerusalem and the implementation of the recommendations of the Working Group on the Revision of the Statutes = De pronto me vi metido de lleno en lo más difícil de mi trabajo teniendo que resolver la polémica de si celebrar o no el congreso del año 2000 en Jerusalén y que poner en marcha las recomendaciones del Grupo de Trabajo sobre la Revisión de los Estatutos.

» the beginning of the end = el principio del fin.

Example: The Normandy landings of June 1944 marked the beginning of the end of World War II.

» the crock of gold at the end of the rainbow = el cofre de oro al final del arco iris. [Expresión utilizada para indicar algo que es inalcanzable o imposible]

Example: It seems to me that trying to pin down 'quality' is a bit like trying to find the crock of gold at the end of the rainbow.

» the end of all ends = el fin de todos los fines.

Example: Death is the end of all ends -- there is no light at the end of that tunnel there is nothing but everlasting pain.

» the end of the world = el fin del mundo.

Example: If you are reading these words, then we survived the end of the world that was supposedly foretold by the ancient Maya.

» the ends of the earth = al fin del mundo.

Example: Having journeyed to the ends of the earth and the land of the dead, Heracles could therefore suggest closing down the Eleusian mysteries.

» the light at the end of the tunnel = la luz al final del túnel, el final de los problemas, rayo de esperanza.

Example: The article 'The light at the end of the tunnel' describes the measures taken to reduce the serials cataloguing backlog in a university library.

» the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow = el cofre de oro al final del arco iris. [Expresión utilizada para indicar algo que es inalcanzable o imposible]

Example: They agreed that whenever a rainbow appeared, they would contact each other and would try to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

» there + be + no end to = ser interminable, no tener fin.

Example: Chilton Book Company is probably the largest publisher of repair guides for automobiles and motorcycles, and there is no end to the clamor for these tools at a reference desk.

» there is always a beginning and an end = siempre hay un princpio y un final.

Example: Just like a flower in season, everything has its appointed time and there is always a beginning and an end.

» throw + Nombre + in at the deep end = meter a Alguien de lleno en lo más difícil, enfrascar a Alguien de lleno en lo más difícil.

Example: The article is entitled 'User education in a college library; observations of one thrown in at the deep end!'.

» tie up + all the loose ends = atar (los) cabos sueltos, no dejar ni un cabo suelto.

Example: The third act is of course the denouement, when everything is made clear, all the loose ends are tied up, and the curtain falls.

» till the end of time = hasta el final de los tiempos.

Example: The article 'Till the end of time' predicts that automated record processing will be the major distinguishing feature of libraries at the close of this century.

» to no end = inmensamente, en extremo.

Example: I love chard stalks, and it annoys me to no end that people would throw them away.

» turn out for + the best (in the end) = no hay mal que por bien no venga, al final todo + ser + para bien, salir bien al final.

Example: She was an eternal optimist and known to provide comfort to others with sayings such as 'things will turn out for the best in the end'.

» turn out + right in the end = salir bien al final, al final todo + ser + para bien.

Example: We can, of course, ignore the problem and hope that it all turns out right in the end after all, that is what we are doing now.

» until the bitter end = hasta el final, hasta la muerte.

Example: The Liberals are refusing to give up the fight against forced mergers, and are vowing to keep the pressure on the government until the bitter end.

» until the end = hasta el final, hasta la muerte.

Example: Iran's president said yesterday his country would press on with its nuclear program 'until the end and would not be stopped by the West.

» until the end of the world = hasta el fin del mundo.

Example: In this list, he gave a cryptic name to each of the popes who would reign from that time until the until the end of the world.

» upend = poner vertical, poner patas arriba, poner al revés.

Example: Religious freedom is in danger of being upended.

» weekend = fin de semana.

Example: An I&R service may involve itself in providing 'hotlines', that is emergency help during times of crises or when other services close down, eg evenings, weekends or public holidays.

end3 = acabar, terminar, finalizar. 

Example: Each field also ends with a special delimiter, which signals the end of the fields.


» all is well that ends well = bien está lo que bien acaba.

Example: 'All is well that ends well,' at least for the three policemen who were released and their families = "Bien está lo que bien acaba", al menos para los tres policías liberados y para sus familias.

» bookend = enmarcar, poner el colofón final, rematar.

Example: In a sense, the release of this new album has lifted a weight off his shoulders and bookended his first six years as a solo artist.

» end + a conversation = acabar una conversación, finalizar una conversación, terminar una conversación.

Example: Among the many symptoms of autism there is the difficulty in intervening in or ending a conversation and the habit of butting into a conversation inopportunely.

» end + a relationship = terminar una relación, acabar con una relación.

Example: To be honest I really don't have a problem ending relationships as I am such a prat that I usually end up losing good friends.

» end in + a draw = terminar en empate, acabar en empate, finalizar en empate.

Example: The most important fact known about the game is that, unlike some other games, it can't end in a draw.

» end + Nombre + on a high (note) = acabar de forma positiva, terminar de forma positiva, acabar con una nota de optimismo, terminar con una nota de optimismo, acabar con un broche de oro, terminar con un broche de oro, cerrar con un broche de oro.

Example: There were ups and downs, to be sure, but it sure did end on a high note.

» end on + a + Adjetivo + note = terminar en un tono + Adjetivo .

Example: The Opening Ceremony will end on a lighter, more celebratory note for IFLA's 75th birthday.

» end on + a positive note = acabar de forma positiva, terminar de forma positiva, acabar de manera positiva, terminar de manera positiva, acabar de modo positivo, terminar de modo positivo, terminar en (un) tono positivo, acabar en (un) tono positivo.

Example: Finally, I would like to end on a positive note, and say that I am happy with pretty much all of the other changes you have implemented.

» end on + time = acabar a su hora, acabar puntualmente, finalizar a su hora, finalizar puntualmente, terminar a su hora, terminar puntualmente.

Example: A well-run and productive meeting starts on time and ends on time.

» end up = terminar, acabar.

Example: But if you have a certain feeling about language, then language ends up becoming very, very important.

» end up at + each other's throats = acabar como el perro y el gato.

Example: One of the best ways to ensure that you and your partner don't end up at each other's throats is by giving each other plenty of leeway to be who you want to be.

» end up in = acabar en, terminar en, desembocar en.

Example: Many people have fear that they may end up in prison for not paying their credit card debt.

» end up in + smoke = quedar en nada, quedar en agua de borrajas, terminar en nada, esfumarse, quedar en papel mojado, desvanecerse, evanescerse.

Example: There was a similar event in North Korea, but the difference is that the North Korean coup ended up in smoke.

» end up in + the wrong hands = acabar en malas manos, terminar en malas manos.

Example: It is often very difficult to ensure that aid and money sent to war zones does not end up in the wrong hands.

» end up on + a high note = terminar mejor de lo que + empezar, acabar mejor de lo que + empezar, terminar con mejor cara, acabar con mejor cara.

Example: What started off as a pretty bad day ended up on a high note, at least for two women in particular.

» end up on + the chopping block = terminar siendo eliminado, acabar siendo liminado.

Example: As whole neighborhoods atrophy, even good schools like Carstens can face dwindling enrollments and end up on the chopping block.

» end up + Posesivo + days in = acabar + Posesivo + días en.

Example: The Countess ended up her days in Chicago where for many years she was the leader of her class.

» end up with = acabar teniendo.

Example: Could the USA end up with a House of Delegates rather than a House of Representatives?.

» end + well = terminar bien, acabar bien.

Example: Fortunately it all ended well, and nothing bad happened to me except for som

End synonyms

close in spanish: cerrar, pronunciation: kloʊs part of speech: adverb, adjective death in spanish: muerte, pronunciation: deθ part of speech: noun last in spanish: último, pronunciation: læst part of speech: adjective finish in spanish: terminar, pronunciation: fɪnɪʃ part of speech: verb, noun goal in spanish: Gol, pronunciation: goʊl part of speech: noun scrap in spanish: chatarra, pronunciation: skræp part of speech: noun conclusion in spanish: conclusión, pronunciation: kənkluʒən part of speech: noun cease in spanish: cesar, pronunciation: sis part of speech: verb, noun remnant in spanish: residuo, pronunciation: remnənt part of speech: noun terminate in spanish: Terminar, pronunciation: tɜrməneɪt part of speech: verb destruction in spanish: destrucción, pronunciation: dɪstrʌkʃən part of speech: noun remainder in spanish: recordatorio, pronunciation: rɪmeɪndɜr part of speech: noun ending in spanish: finalizando, pronunciation: endɪŋ part of speech: noun closing in spanish: clausura, pronunciation: kloʊzɪŋ part of speech: noun oddment in spanish: retal, pronunciation: ɑdmənt part of speech: noun

End antonyms

get pronunciation: get part of speech: verb begin pronunciation: bɪgɪn part of speech: verb offset pronunciation: ɔfset part of speech: verb start pronunciation: stɑrt part of speech: verb, noun first pronunciation: fɜrst part of speech: adjective, adverb commence pronunciation: kəmens part of speech: verb beginning pronunciation: bɪgɪnɪŋ part of speech: noun middle pronunciation: mɪdəl part of speech: noun, adjective outset pronunciation: aʊtset part of speech: noun commencement pronunciation: kəmensmənt part of speech: noun kickoff pronunciation: kɪkɔf part of speech: noun set out pronunciation: setaʊt part of speech: verb start out pronunciation: stɑrtaʊt part of speech: verb set about pronunciation: setəbaʊt part of speech: verb lead off pronunciation: ledɔf part of speech: verb starting time pronunciation: stɑrtɪŋtaɪm part of speech: noun
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