Encroachment in spanish


pronunciation: inbɑsioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

encroachment = intromisión, invasión, abuso, injerencia, intrusismo, intrusión. 

Example: It is really up to us to decide whether or not we can sustain that entity against the challenges and the encroachments that threaten it.


» encroachment by other professionals = intrusismo profesional.

Example: Let me remind readers of these memos that I am not an attorney and have no particular incentive to help them protect their turf from encroachment by other professionals.

» encroachment by other professions = intrusismo profesional.

Example: It will help protect our scope of practice from encroachment by other professions and help define exercise physiology as a true profession.

Encroachment synonyms

impact in spanish: impacto, pronunciation: ɪmpækt part of speech: noun impingement in spanish: instrucción, pronunciation: ɪmpɪndʒmənt part of speech: noun trespass in spanish: pecado, pronunciation: trespæs part of speech: noun invasion in spanish: invasión, pronunciation: ɪnveɪʒən part of speech: noun violation in spanish: violación, pronunciation: vaɪəleɪʃən part of speech: noun intrusion in spanish: intrusión, pronunciation: ɪntruʒən part of speech: noun
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