Encoding in spanish


pronunciation: koʊdifikɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

encode = codificar. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que empiezan con el prefijo "en-" (o su variante "em-") añadido a nombres y adjetivos para formar generalmente verbos]

Example: As used in an index each card acts as a surrogate for one document, and the index terms for that document are encoded around the edge of the card.


» Encoded Archival Description (EAD) = Descripción de Archivos Codificada (EAD).

Example: Recently the Berkeley encoding scheme has been superseded by a standard SGML description of archival collections, known as the Encoded Archival Description (EAD).

encoding = codificación. 

Example: This study will attempt to define the level of MARC encoding necessary and to determine how this lower level record could be upgraded to the full MARC encoding.


» character encoding = codificación de caracteres.

Example: The author brings together the areas of character encoding, standards for coding and bibliographic records, character recognition and lexical analysis.

» METS [Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard] = METS [Estándar para la Codificación y Transmisión de Metadatos].

Example: The METS standard is a flexible schema for describing the structure of a complex digital object (like a digitized newspaper issue).

» text encoding = codificación de textos. [En Internet, inserción de los códigos necesarios para convertir texto normal en páginas web]

Example: We're rather understaffed in this area, so we need a variety of skills, including text encoding, digital imaging, and audio/video capture and transcoding.

» UUENCODE (Unix to Unix Encoding) = UUENCODE (Codificación de Unix a Unix). [En Internet, método para convertir ficheros binarios a Ascii para poder su transmisión por correo electrónico]

Example: UUENCODE (Unix to Unix Encoding) is a method for converting files from binary to Ascii (text) so that they can be sent across the Internet via e-mail.

Encoding synonyms

encryption in spanish: cifrado, pronunciation: enkrɪpʃən part of speech: noun
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