Encapsulated in spanish


pronunciation: enkɑpsulɑdoʊ part of speech: verb, adjective
In gestures

encapsulate1 = condensar, resumir, compendiar, representar. 

Example: The Manifesto encapsulates the principles and priorities of public libraries in widely varying contexts.

encapsulate2 = empaquetar, reunir, agrupar. 

Example: The fundamental OOP technique is to encapsulate data with the operations/code that operate on that data into a single entity which is called an object.


» EPDF (Encapsulated Portable Document Format) = EPDF (Formato Encapsulado para la Portabilidad de Documentos). [En informática, norma de codificación de documentos en ficheros que permite su uso en diferentes tipos de equipos informáticos]

Example: This article defines an Encapsulated PDF (EPDF) in which EPDF blocks carry with them their own resource requirements together with geometrical and logical information.
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