Enabled in spanish


pronunciation: ɑbilitɑdoʊ part of speech: verb
In gestures

enable = permitir, posibilitar, hacer posible, facilitar, activar, habilitar. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que empiezan con el prefijo "en-" (o su variante "em-") añadido a nombres y adjetivos para formar generalmente verbos]

Example: Equally, various trade directories and other lists need to list and organise names in a form that will enable a searcher to find information about an organisation or person.


» IT-enabled = mediante la TI, a través de la TI, gracias a la TI.

Example: The article is entitled 'The role of software patents in sustaining IT-enabled competitive advantage: a call for research'.



» e-enabled = accesible electrónicamente.

Example: Local councils in the UK have moved to a '24/7 culture' after making almost all of their services 'e-enabled'.
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