Empyrean in spanish

El empíreo

pronunciation: elempiɹ̩eoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

empyrean = empíreo, divino, celestial. 

Example: The third heaven is not the sky, for Genesis reveals that the empyrean heaven was created on the first day, and the starry skies not till the second.


» empyrean, the = empíreo, el; firmamento, el.

Example: Then he did several backflips and wailed aloud in his misery and woe, his yelps of distress quite filling the empyrean.

Empyrean synonyms

sublime in spanish: sublime, pronunciation: səblaɪm part of speech: adjective sphere in spanish: esfera, pronunciation: sfɪr part of speech: noun firmament in spanish: firmamento, pronunciation: fɜrməmənt part of speech: noun glorious in spanish: glorioso, pronunciation: glɔriəs part of speech: adjective welkin in spanish: Welkin, pronunciation: welkɪn part of speech: noun heavens in spanish: Cielos, pronunciation: hevənz part of speech: noun empyreal in spanish: empíreo, pronunciation: empɪrəl part of speech: adjective celestial sphere in spanish: esfera celestial, pronunciation: səlestʃəlsfɪr part of speech: noun vault of heaven in spanish: bóveda del cielo, pronunciation: vɔltʌvhevən part of speech: noun
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