Employment in spanish


pronunciation: empleoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

employment1 = empleo, trabajo. 

Example: Under WOMEN -- EMPLOYMENT, for instance, are listed works on the health and safety hazards of employment, the wages of employment, the problems of mothers, married and/or single women and employment, and so on.


» atypical employment = empleo atípico.

Example: In recent years, there has been a steady increase in cases of atypical employment within the Japanese economy.

» employment agency = oficina de empleo, agencia de empleo, oficina de desempleo, oficina de colocación, agencia de colocación, bolsa de trabajo.

Example: Before you work with any employment agency, find out what services you can expect and what will be expected of you.

» employment bureau = oficina de empleo, agencia de empleo, oficina de desempleo, oficina de colocación, agencia de colocación, bolsa de trabajo.

Example: He analyzes the job seeker and the influence of mediating agencies, such as unions, employment bureaus, and help-wanted advertising in the hiring process.

» employment centre = oficina de empleo, agencia de empleo, oficina de desempleo, oficina de colocación, agencia de colocación, bolsa de trabajo.

Example: This database provides access to a wide range of information, including local news, the housing and employment markets, weather and local events, through some 400 public terminals located in public libraries, employment centres, town-halls, and schools.

» employment ladder = escalafón laboral.

Example: This measure has allowed women to meet their familial duties whilst maintaining their foothold on the employment ladder.

» employment law = derecho del trabajo, derecho laboral.

Example: Paternity leave is not recognised in employment law in Ireland.

» employment market = mercado laboral, el; mercado de trabajo, el.

Example: The article focuses on the emerging employment market for librarians in order to assess its size and the extent to which it offers employment opportunities to trained librarians.

» employment opportunity = oferta de empleo, bolsa de trabajo.

Example: This article was published in a special issue devoted to various aspects of library services for career planning, job searching, and employment opportunities.

» employment protection and safety = seguridad en el empleo.

Example: This system has an inbuilt thesaurus including the subject vocabulary in the field of employment protection and safety consisting of several thousand descriptors and synonyms.

» employment relations = relaciones laborales.

Example: This article discusses management issues experienced by the information service of employment relations, a human resource consulting service, during a period of transition from government funding to private funding.

» employment segregation = segragación en el trabajo, segregación en el empleo.

Example: The degree of employment segregation between indigenous & other Australians has decreased over time.

» employment situation = situación laboral.

Example: This is a report of a survey of former students, which aimed to collect career information, gain an impression of views on their course, and compare findings with employment situation.

» employment status = situación laboral.

Example: Employment status has been found to be related to depressive symptoms.

» equal employment opportunity = igualdad de oportunidad en el trabajo.

Example: This article examines the policy of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity.

» irregular employment = empleo irregular.

Example: Migrant farm workers typically receive low wages from irregular employment and live in poverty with access to only substandard housing and inadequate health care.

» loss of employment = pérdida de empleo.

Example: If you receive a lump sum in compensation for the loss of employment, part of it may be tax free.

» paid employment = trabajo remunerado, empleo remunerado.

Example: It was a hard life but many women saw paid employment as a stepping stone to independence and an endorsement of their place in society.

» part-time employment = trabajo a tiempo parcial.

Example: Job sharing, as a form of permanent part-time employment was also included in the study.

» post-employment [postemployment] = después de la contratación, con posterioridad a la contratación. [Lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]

Example: Postemployment training is more likely to be effective if developed in conjunction with employers in ways that are sensitive to the realities of the workplace.

» precarious employment = empleo precario.

Example: There is also good evidence that precarious employment is expanding in the developing world.

» pre-employment [preemployment] = antes de la contratación, con anterioridad a la contratación.

Example: Criminal record checks have been an accepted form of pre-employment vetting for those with access to children for some years,.

» seek + employment = buscar empleo, buscar trabajo.

Example: Career counselors should reevaluate some personal attitudes toward gay individuals and consider the role of advocate for young homophiles seeking employment.

» self-employment = trabajo por cuenta propia, trabajo autónomo, autoempleo.

Example: In the quest for self-employment the author established himself as a self-employed historical researcher specialising in detailed histories of private and business properties.

» take + leave from + employment = tomarse excedencia en el trabajo.

Example: John T. Maguire is a Canberra librarian who took leave from employment to study and work as a volunteer librarian at Birzeit University in Palestine.

» temporary employment agency = agencia de trabajo temporal.

Example: 90 percent of companies use temporary employment agencies, so temping can be a fantastic way to get your foot in the door at the company of your dreams.

» termination of employment = cese laboral.

Example: The author suggests that termination of employment may be advisable if efforts do not produce results.

» terms of employment = condiciones del contrato de trabajo.

Example: The article 'Librarian as author: the perils of publishing' reports on the issue that most academic librarians are now compelled by their terms of employment to engage in some form of scholarly activity and increasingly are writing for publication.

» unemployment = desempleo, paro.

Example: But the good times ran out and the world recession of the 1970s brought rising inflation, unemployment and increasing pressure for better social services.

employment2 = uso, utilización, empleo. 

Example: Through the employment of such implicitly derogatory terminology librarians virtually give themselves licence to disregard or downgrade the value of certain materials.

Employment synonyms

work in spanish: trabajo, pronunciation: wɜrk part of speech: noun, verb employ in spanish: emplear, pronunciation: emplɔɪ part of speech: verb job in spanish: trabajo, pronunciation: dʒɑb part of speech: noun use in spanish: utilizar, pronunciation: jus part of speech: noun, verb exercise in spanish: ejercicio, pronunciation: eksɜrsaɪz part of speech: noun, verb engagement in spanish: compromiso, pronunciation: engeɪdʒmənt part of speech: noun usage in spanish: uso, pronunciation: jusədʒ part of speech: noun hire in spanish: alquiler, pronunciation: haɪɜr part of speech: verb utilization in spanish: utilización, pronunciation: jutələzeɪʃən part of speech: noun hiring in spanish: contratación, pronunciation: haɪrɪŋ part of speech: verb, noun utilisation in spanish: utilización, pronunciation: jutələseɪʃən part of speech: noun

Employment antonyms

unemployment pronunciation: ənɪmplɔɪmənt part of speech: noun
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