Employee in spanish


pronunciation: empleɑdoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

employee = empleado. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: LIBR (short for library) is used in English-speaking faculty members or employees who wish to access the library from their own terminals.


» clerical employee = administrativo de apoyo.

Example: Almost all practicing librarians have some assigned responsibilities that involve the training of other employees: a shelver, a beginning clerical employee, or another professional.

» dismiss + an employee = despedir a un empleado.

Example: Ostensibly, the maneuver was accomplished to curb patronage abuses and make it easier to dismiss deadwood employees in the long run.

» employee benefit = prestación al empleado. [Generalmente usado en plural]

Example: Employee benefits include health benefits, life insurance, occupational health, and retirement.

» employee-centered = basado en el empleado.

Example: Likert in no way attempts to make a blanket prescription for employee-centered supervisory styles.

» employee ownership = empleado como propietario, el; trabajador como propietario.

Example: Employee ownership plans carve a path toward what could be called responsible capitalism.

» entry-level employee = trabajador de nivel básico, empleado de nivel básico, trabajador principiante, empleado principiante.

Example: When it comes to hiring entry-level employees, most hiring managers will place their focus more on the attributes an individual possess, over skills.

» ex-employee = ex-empleado, antiguo empleado. 

Example: You have to have a different mindset when you think about the possibility of an ex-employee or contractor sitting out in the car park late one night, with his laptop siphoning the company's data.

» full-time employee = empleado a tiempo completo, empleado a jornada completa.

Example: She is English, highly skilled and very experienced, so much so that we decided to take her on board as a full-time employee.

» government employee = empleado del gobierno, funcionario.

Example: For the first time there are decidedly more government employees than goods-producing employees according to the Department of Labor.

» maintenance employee = empleado de mantenimiento.

Example: This is the first time a maintenance employee gets trapped under one of the baggage carousels where passengers pick up their luggage.

» public employee = funcionario público.

Example: The figures do not support the postulation that the better educated, public employees, left-wing party supporters frequent libraries most.

» state employee = empleado del estado, funcionario.

Example: But he is completely wrong to say that he as a state employee is utterly blamelessfor the mess our pensions and state budgets are in.

Employee antonyms

employer pronunciation: emplɔɪɜr part of speech: noun
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