Emphatic in spanish


pronunciation: enfɑtikoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

emphatic = enfático, enérgico, acentuado. 

Example: Her first hint that all was not well was with the sudden appearance of Consuelo Feng, whose no-nonsensen approach to her job was emphasized by the emphactic clicks of her heels along the highly polished terrazzo floors.

Emphatic synonyms

assertive in spanish: positivo, pronunciation: əsɜrtɪv part of speech: adjective stressed in spanish: estresado, pronunciation: strest part of speech: adjective forceful in spanish: fuerte, pronunciation: fɔrsfəl part of speech: adjective emphasized in spanish: enfatizado, pronunciation: emfəsaɪzd part of speech: adjective exclamatory in spanish: exclamatorio, pronunciation: ɪksklæmətɔri part of speech: adjective
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