Emotional in spanish


pronunciation: emoʊθioʊnɑl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

emotional = afectivo, emocional, emotivo. 

Example: In addition, 4 major issues are presented regarding information diffusion: logical vs. emotional appeals, one-sided vs two-sided arguments, and order of presentation.


» become + (all) emotional = emocionarse, ponerse sensible.

Example: I know I sound all girly and soft but I guess it's in a girl's nature to become all emotional.

» emotional abuse = abuso emocional.

Example: Her husband Mickey drove her over the edge after years of physical and emotional abuse.

» emotional affair = aventura, aventura amorosa, aventura sentimental, rollo amoroso, lío amoroso, lío sentimental, affaire.

Example: She sounds like she has enough on her plate as it is, and she definitely doesn't need an emotional affair to confuse her even more.

» emotional appeal = subterfugio emocional, chantaje emocional.

Example: At heart, their spiel is an emotional appeal -- an attempt to arouse emotions that ultimately preclude analysis and other forms of rational thinking.

» emotional baggage = bagaje emocional, carga emocional.

Example: This statement highlights the emotional baggage that all too frequently accompanies decision-making.

» emotional blackmail = chantaje emocional.

Example: Emotional blackmail is a powerful form of manipulation in which people close to us threaten to punish us if we don't do what they want.

» emotional breakdown = crisis emocional.

Example: He came close to death when he was hospitalised earlier this month following a 'small emotional breakdown'.

» emotional burnout = apatía emocional.

Example: Compassion fatigue encompasses desensitisation and emotional burnout, as a phenomenon associated with pervasive communication about social problems = La fatiga compasiva incluye la insensibilización y la apatía emocional, como fenómeno asociado a la insistente bombardeo informativo sobre los problemas sociales.

» emotional complication = complicación emocional.

Example: Since sexual intimacy is not part of the platonic equation, men and woman have far less emotional complications.

» emotional crisis = crisis emocional.

Example: An emotional crisis at home may send a child burrowing back into the security of well-loved books remembered from happier days.

» emotional disorder = trastorno emocional.

Example: Brain damage from head injuries, strokes and tumours results in cognitive and emotional disorders in a large section of society annually.

» emotional exhaustion = apatía emocional, desgaste emocional.

Example: Librarians are at risk for burnout, a syndrome of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and loss of a sense of personal accomplishment.

» emotional fatigue = fatiga emocional, cansancio emocional, insensibilidad, indiferencia.

Example: The nature of contemporary media coverage may contribute to emotional fatigue with society's problems = La naturaleza de la covertura de los medios de comunicación modernos puede contribuir a desarrollar la insensibilidad con respecto a los problemas de la sociedad.

» emotional health = equilibrio emocional.

Example: This article discusses bibliotherapy, the therapeutic use of books or reading as a means of promoting emotional health.

» emotional instability = inestabilidad emocional.

Example: Iron is such a biggie during pregnancy -- low iron levels can cause fatigue, emotional instability and risk of excessive bleeding at the birth.

» emotional intelligence = inteligencia emocional.

Example: Emotional intelligence is a relatively new area of study that focuses on people's ability to feel, recognize, communicate, respond to, and understand their own emotions.

» emotional life = vida emocional.

Example: But self-concern can insinuate itself into every corner of the emotional life.

» emotional loss = pérdida de persona querida.

Example: This web page provides information for professionals and the general public dealing with bereavement, grief and emotional losses.

» emotional outburst = arrebato emocional.

Example: Individuals born under the astrological sign of Scorpio are often given to emotional outbursts, or periods of depression, anger or jealousy.

» emotional prison = cárcel emocional, prisión emocional.

Example: Some people talk of being trapped in an emotional prison when feeling resentment for a long time.

» emotional reaction = reacción emocional.

Example: And such emotional reaction could prompt you to buy more lottery tickets (risking more capital) in the hope of winning the draw the next time!.

» emotional roller coaster (ride) = altibajos emocionales.

Example: Here you'll find information on how to treat emotional roller coaster behavior in menopausal women including herbal remedies.

» emotional state = estado emocional.

Example: It proves that the emotional state of a car driver has a great impact on his driving.

» emotional stress = estrés emocional.

Example: It is believed that telemedicine services may help offset the emotional stress and sense of inequality experienced by islanders and civilians living around military bases.

» emotional tension = tensión emocional.

Example: Mental block -- an inability to remember or think of something you normally can do -- is often caused by emotional tension.

» emotional ups and downs = fluctuaciones emocionales.

Example: I've graphed myself, and I find that I have a twenty-one-day cycle of emotional ups and downs.

» emotional well-being = bienestar emocional.

Example: Emotional well-being is essential for enjoying good health.

» get + (all) emotional = emocionarse, ponerse sensible.

Example: Jay and Tom admitted that they've been getting all emotional and weepy about the touching stories they've heard.

» make + an emotional appeal = suplicar, implorar.

Example: The mother of a missing 15-year-old girl has made an emotional appeal for information about the whereabouts of her daughter.

» unemotional = desapasionado, frío, indiferente, insensible.

Example: Australian researchers have observed that four to eight year-old boys who have an unemotional temperament are less responsive to discipline.

» unemotional = imparcial, objetivo, neutro.

Example: He offers an admirably concise and unemotional analysis of the famous Milgram experiment.

Emotional synonyms

cathartic in spanish: catártico, pronunciation: kəθɑrtɪk part of speech: adjective, noun excited in spanish: emocionado, pronunciation: ɪksaɪtəd part of speech: adjective effusive in spanish: efusivo, pronunciation: efjusɪv part of speech: adjective maudlin in spanish: sensiblero, pronunciation: mɔdlɪn part of speech: adjective mawkish in spanish: empalagoso, pronunciation: mɔkɪʃ part of speech: adjective sentimental in spanish: sentimental, pronunciation: sentəmentəl part of speech: adjective latin in spanish: latín, pronunciation: lætən part of speech: noun, adjective agitated in spanish: agitado, pronunciation: ædʒəteɪtəd part of speech: adjective funky in spanish: miedoso, pronunciation: fʌŋki part of speech: adjective affective in spanish: afectivo, pronunciation: əfektɪv part of speech: adjective emotive in spanish: emotivo, pronunciation: ɪmoʊtɪv part of speech: adjective moody in spanish: temperamental, pronunciation: mudi part of speech: noun, adjective lyric in spanish: lírica, pronunciation: lɪrɪk part of speech: noun lyrical in spanish: lírico, pronunciation: lɪrɪkəl part of speech: adjective mushy in spanish: pulposo, pronunciation: mʌʃi part of speech: adjective temperamental in spanish: temperamental, pronunciation: temprəmentəl part of speech: adjective charged in spanish: cargado, pronunciation: tʃɑrdʒd part of speech: adjective demonstrative in spanish: demostrativo, pronunciation: dɪmɑnstrətɪv part of speech: adjective soulful in spanish: conmovedor, pronunciation: soʊlfəl part of speech: adjective aroused in spanish: despertado, pronunciation: ɜraʊzd part of speech: adjective gushing in spanish: efusivo, pronunciation: gʌʃɪŋ part of speech: adjective gushy in spanish: gushy, pronunciation: gʌʃi part of speech: adjective bathetic in spanish: batetico, pronunciation: bəθetɪk part of speech: adjective slushy in spanish: sentimentaloide, pronunciation: slʌʃi part of speech: adjective mind-blowing in spanish: alucinante, pronunciation: maɪndbloʊɪŋ part of speech: adjective schmaltzy in spanish: sentimentaloide, pronunciation: ʃmɔltzi part of speech: adjective low-down in spanish: Bajo abajo, pronunciation: loʊdaʊn part of speech: noun, adjective releasing in spanish: liberando, pronunciation: rilisɪŋ part of speech: adjective supercharged in spanish: sobrealimentado, pronunciation: supɜrtʃɑrdʒd part of speech: adjective affectional in spanish: afectivo, pronunciation: əfekʃənəl part of speech: adjective hot-blooded in spanish: sangre caliente, pronunciation: hɑtblʌdɪd part of speech: adjective schmalzy in spanish: schmalzy, pronunciation: ʃmælzi part of speech: adjective overemotional in spanish: demasiado emocional, pronunciation: oʊvɜrɪmoʊʃənəl part of speech: adjective warm-toned in spanish: tonos cálidos, pronunciation: wɔrmtʌnd part of speech: adjective

Emotional antonyms

intellectual pronunciation: ɪntəlektʃuəl part of speech: adjective cerebral pronunciation: serəbrəl part of speech: adjective unemotional pronunciation: ənimoʊʃənəl part of speech: adjective
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