Emotion in spanish


pronunciation: emoʊθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

emotion = emoción. 

Example: Puberty, he describes as 'dreamy and sentimental' and though this may seem a far cry from the teenagers we would recognize that adolescence brings an awakening of emotions, idealism and commitment to a romantic ideal.


» arouse + emotions = despertar emociones.

Example: At heart, their spiel is an emotional appeal -- an attempt to arouse emotions that ultimately preclude analysis and other forms of rational thinking.

» be overcome with + emotion = sobrecogerse de emoción, conmoverse por la emoción.

Example: A judge was overcome with emotion in court as he passed sentence over the death of a young father.

» be swept by + emotion = sobrecogerse de emoción.

Example: Swept up by the powerful emotion that filled the air, the crowd spontaneously rose to its feet and shouted, "Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!" three times.

» bruise + an emotion = herir una emoción.

Example: I have found in reading extracts from Scott's diary of his trip to the South Pole that pupils interrupted all the time to ask questions, until the final entries were reached, when everyone went very quiet, moved deeply by Scott's words and unwilling to bruise the emotion they felt.

» choking emotion + fill = hacérsele a Uno un nudo en la garganta.

Example: A choking emotion, partly made up of incredulity and in part a burning resentment filled Drew Pope.

» control + Posesivo + emotions = controlar + Posesivo + emociones.

Example: He was so exultant at the thought of being a father that he could barely control his emotions.

» cork up + Posesivo + emotions = reprimir + Posesivo + emociones.

Example: It hurts Deb to cork up her emotions just as it hurts me to cover up my own troubles.

» express + Posesivo + emotions = expresar emociones.

Example: Emotions physiologically affect your body -- lessen the harm they can do by learning how to healthfully express your emotions.

» feel + emotion = sentir una emoción.

Example: I have found in reading extracts from Scott's diary of his trip to the South Pole that pupils interrupted all the time to ask questions, until the final entries were reached, when everyone went very quiet, moved deeply by Scott's words and unwilling to bruise the emotion they felt.

» fire up + emotions = despertar pasiones, suscitar emociones, suscitar pasiones, encender sentimientos, encender emociones, incitar emociones, incitar sentimientos.

Example: The issue of immigration between EU countries is firing up emotions across the continent.

» heal + emotions = sanar las emociones.

Example: Meditation can be used to improve your mental happiness and heal emotions while recovering from abuse.

» human emotion = emoción humana.

Example: The desire to feel secure is the granddaddy of all human emotions.

» infuse + emotion = infundir emoción.

Example: In the drama of spoken language pauses frame words, form them into significant phrases, can even alter meaning, and infuse emotion.

» mixed emotions = sentimientos encontrados, emociones encontradas.

Example: Whether you've spent years trying, or are facing an unplanned pregnancy, you may find yourself feeling mixed emotions about pregnancy.

» stir + emotions = conmover, despertar las emociones.

Example: Many people will have experienced the power of literature or other art forms to offer new insight, to provide sources of identification, to stir the emotions, and to release feelings.

» stir up + emotions = despertar pasiones, suscitar emociones, suscitar pasiones, encender sentimientos, encender emociones, incitar emociones, incitar sentimientos.

Example: We all know that the thoughts we entertain can stir up emotions and have physiological effects like increasing flow of saliva or anxiety.

» unleash + Posesivo + emotions = dar rienda suelta a + Posesivo + emociones, desatar + Posesivo + emociones.

Example: This is a skillfully written book about a woman who unleashes her emotions and heartfelt opinions whilst in search of the ideal man.
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