Emeritus in spanish


pronunciation: emeɹ̩itus part of speech: adjective
In gestures

emeritus = emérito. [Puede colocarse antes o después del nombre al que modifica]

Example: He retired after 40 years as Librarian of Congress to become Librarian Emeritus.


» emeritus professor = profesor emérito.

Example: Many years ago I went to a meeting and an emeritus professor of what was then called bacteriology gave a paper that involved the great German pathologist, Rudolph Fairchild, an emeritus professor at Harvard.

» professor emeritus = profesor emérito.

Example: Prior to his retirement as professor emeritus, he was recognized worldwide as an authority on indexing.

Emeritus synonyms

old in spanish: antiguo, pronunciation: oʊld part of speech: adjective retired in spanish: retirado, pronunciation: rɪtaɪrd part of speech: adjective
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