Emergency in spanish


pronunciation: emeɹ̩xenθiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

emergency = emergencia. 

Example: In UDC under 361 SOCIAL RELIEF we find .9 Relief or aid in emergencies, disasters; .91 Earthquakes, storms, hurricanes; .92 Floods; .93 War, civil war; .94 Epidemics; .95 Famine; and .96 Fires, conflagrations.


» declare + a state of emergency = declarar (un) estado de emergencia.

Example: The country has declared a state of emergency to fight mosquito borne illnesses including dengue fever and the Zika virus.

» emergency + arise = emergencia + surgir.

Example: However, most emergencies arise from water leakage and much can be done by the non-specialist to alleviate the damage.

» emergency assistance = servicios de emergencia.

Example: Areas of particular concern are: equipment set-up and use; helping develop search strategies, logon/logoff procedures; and emergency assistance when things go wrong.

» emergency blanket = manta de emergencia, manta de supervivencia, manta isotérmica.

Example: While they were waiting for help the first aiders covered the patient with an emergency blanket.

» emergency brake = freno de emergencia.

Example: Chapter 14 covers the following: checking brakes, disc brakes, drum brakes, hand/emergency brake, and ignition timing; and replacing brake pads and the timing chain.

» emergency braking = frenado de emergencia.

Example: The key to emergency braking is to stop the vehicle as quickly as possible without locking the wheels.

» emergency call = llamada de emergencia.

Example: Police said an emergency call should only be made if there is 'an immediate threat to life or property or if a crime is in progress'.

» emergency call number = número de emergencia.

Example: The emergency call number should always be known off by heart!.

» emergency case = emergencia, caso de emergencia.

Example: Recent research estimates that 10% of emergency cases that reach hospitals is smombies.

» emergency crew = equipo de emergencia(s).

Example: Emergency crews are mopping up after a devastating thunderstorm, which dumped 30mm of rain in two hours.

» emergency dialling code = teléfono de emergencia.

Example: It is called 211 because users of the service can use that dialling code (in contrast to the 911 emergency dialling code) to get free access to information in these areas.

» emergency exit = salida de emergencia.

Example: There are 5 emergency exits on this plane two at the rear two in the middle and one at the front of the plane.

» emergency hotline = teléfono de emergencia, número de emergencia, línea directa.

Example: The air was so rank with toxic stink that emergency hotlines were flooded with calls from people sickened by the fumes.

» emergency kit = kit de emergencia.

Example: Therefore, it's vital to always carry along an eczema emergency kit for those times a flare-up does occur.

» emergency landing = aterrizaje de emergencia.

Example: Engine doors on a British Airways plane in last week's emergency landing at Heathrow were left unlatched during maintenance.

» emergency measure = medida de emergencia.

Example: Emergency measures had to be taken and long-range plans had to be made to reduce binding costs stringently.

» emergency medicine = medicina de emergencia.

Example: Emergency Medicine is a discipline of medicine that deals with the acute and life-threatening aspect of medical care.

» emergency meeting = reunión de emergencia.

Example: I am attending an emergency meeting next week to discuss the best ways of responding to the desperate situation arising from the looting and destruction of cultural property in Iraq.

» emergency official = responsable del servicio de emergencias.

Example: Emergency officials say a carnival ride has collapsed at a fairgrounds, injuring three people severely.

» emergency pharmacy = farmacia de guardia.

Example: Emergency pharmacies are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

» emergency plan = plan de emergencia, plan de choque.

Example: Above all there should be an emergency plan, in writing, and known to all staff.

» emergency preparedness = preparación para las emergencias.

Example: Emergency preparedness must be viewed as an ongoing process, incorporated into normal routines.

» emergency relief = ayuda de emergencia.

Example: Volunteerism is a key element in providing emergency relief to disaster survivors and in post-disaster reconstruction.

» emergency room = sala de urgencias, sala de primeros auxilios.

Example: This article contains information on the frequencies of drugs associated with drug abuse episodes reported by emergency rooms.

» emergency service = servicio de emergencia.

Example: The emergency services were frantically racing against the clock to try and hold together their city which was coming apart at the seams.

» emergency stairs = escalera de incendios.

Example: Residents however noted of the possibility that the victim accidentally fell from the building as its emergency stairs at the back have no railings.

» emergency surgery = cirugía de urgencia, cirugía de emergencia, operación de emergencia.

Example: He is slowly getting back up to speed following emergency surgery on his knee.

» emergency telephone call = llamada telefónica de emergencia.

Example: This paper describes the failures of the London Ambulance Service system for handling emergency telephone calls.

» emergency vehicle = vehículo de emergencia.

Example: When an emergency vehicle approaches with its siren on you must yield the right of way as quickly as possible.

» emergency ward = sala de urgencias.

Example: It is therefore essential to suspect and recognize delirium in these patients, especially in emergency wards.

» emergency warning light = luz de emergencia, piloto de emergencia.

Example: Under the new law, motorists must give 'a wide berth' to stationary emergency vehicles displaying blue, red, or amber emergency warning lights.

» in an emergency = en una emergencia, en una situación de emergencia, en caso de emergencia.

Example: In an emergency, good information about the building is second in importance only to good judgment.

» in an emergency situation = en una situación de emergencia, en caso de emergencia, en una emergencia.

Example: In an emergency situation when someone is ill, sometimes the best help available will come from librarians who are able to work only part time.

» medical emergency = emergencia médica.

Example: The range of medical emergencies can include heart failure, airway blockage, epileptic fits, lacerations and other types of serious injury.

» pre-emergency = antes de una emergencia.

Example: Pre-emergency planning in the library should cover displaying of emergency telephone numbers, marking locations of fire extinguishers, and organising alternative storage sites.

» respond to + an emergency = responder a una emergencia.

Example: She had her phone snatched while responding to an emergency in the city.

» state of emergency = estado de emergencia, estado de excepción.

Example: He was also blamed for the bungled imposition of a state of emergency in Nyasaland in March 1959.

» surgical emergency = emergencia quirúrgica.

Example: Appendicitis is the most common acute surgical emergency of the abdomen.

» UNICEF [United Nation's International Children's Emergency Fund] = UNICEF [Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia].

Example: UNICEF (United Nation's International Children's Emergency Fund) is looking to restore normalcy to the lives of children in the disaster area.

Emergency synonyms

pinch in spanish: pellizco, pronunciation: pɪntʃ part of speech: noun, verb exigency in spanish: exigencia, pronunciation: eksɪdʒənsi part of speech: noun unscheduled in spanish: no programado, pronunciation: ənskedʒuld part of speech: adjective hand brake in spanish: freno de mano, pronunciation: hændbreɪk part of speech: noun parking brake in spanish: freno de mano, pronunciation: pɑrkɪŋbreɪk part of speech: noun emergency brake in spanish: freno de emergencia, pronunciation: ɪmɜrdʒənsibreɪk part of speech: noun
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